




CarPlay - CPListItem long text going over chevron indicator
I'm using CPListItem to display different items in CarPlay, things like Addresses that the user can navigate to for example. Sometimes these addresses are too long and go over the chevron indicator. I was trying to find a way to truncate the title, or use lineBreakMode similar to labels but couldn't find a way to do so. Any help is appreciated here. See the screenshot below for more details on the problem.
May ’24
CarPlay - Get CPSessionConfiguration on app launch
Greetings, I would like to know if the CPSessionConfiguration limitedUserInterfaces on app launch. Currently I'm able to read that value when the toggle the limit ui option on the CarPlay simulator. But, if i have it on, and try to read sessionConfiguration?.limitedUserInterfaces it doesn't show me the correct value. I'm using the delegate, as per the documents, and its working just fine when I have the app open and toggle the UI, the only issue is if the UI toggle is on, and i launch the app im not able to get the correct value. Would appreciate any input. Thank you! code: func templateApplicationScene(_ templateApplicationScene: CPTemplateApplicationScene, didConnect interfaceController: CPInterfaceController) { self.interfaceController = interfaceController self.scene = templateApplicationScene self.sessionConfiguration = CPSessionConfiguration(delegate: self) print(sessionConfiguration?.limitedUserInterfaces == .keyboard) // prints false when ui toggle is on
Nov ’23
MapKit - Look Around - isNavigationEnabled not working?
I'm adding Look Around into my app, but settings isNavigationEnabled to true or false does nothing. This bool is set to true by default, and my understanding is that it will enable the user to navigate around the location. I tried setting it to false and that didn't change the experience as the user was able to rotate the camera 360 degrees, but not move around freely in the area. Is this by design or am I missing something? Note: I'm on the latest Xcode 14 beta (beta 6). Here is my basic implementation: let lookAroundRequest = MKLookAroundSceneRequest(coordinate: location.coordinate!) lookAroundRequest.getSceneWithCompletionHandler { lookAroundScene, error in guard error == nil, lookAroundScene != nil else { return } let lookAroundVC = MKLookAroundViewController(scene: lookAroundScene!) lookAroundVC.pointOfInterestFilter = .includingAll self.present(lookAroundVC) }
Aug ’22