




Core Data + CloudKit sync latency
Hello! I am writing an app to sync data between an iPad app and an AppleTV app using Core Data + CloudKit. A brief overview of the functionality is: I draw a doodle on my iPad using PencilKit Tap a button to "save" the doodle I generate jpg data [0] from the PencilKit canvas and save it in a Data attribute of an entity in Core Data (this data is ~30kb big) The entry syncs to iCloud and is then displayed on the TV app after it syncs down The issue is that this sync'ing usually takes around 15 seconds from the time I tap the "save" button to the time the doodle appears on the TV. I'm trying to make an interactive app I can play with my kids, and this delay will kind of be a mood killer. It doesn't have to be instantaneous, but anything < 5 seconds would be fine. Right now I am only editing the same doodle over and over, so there is only one row in the entire database. If I tap "save" on the iPad and then immediately background/foreground the TV app (which triggers a sync), the updated doodle appears in ~2 seconds, so I know the data is making it to/from iCloud very quickly. Is there a way to reduce this sync latency in the normal case? Is there a better strategy I should be using to magically send data between an iPad app and a TV app? (I still want to ultimately have it backed by Core Data to save all the doodles) I have push notifications enabled, and I presume they are working b/c the doodle sync only happens on my Apple TV hardware and not the simulator, but I'm not sure how else to determine whether the remote push is working? Thank you for your time! -Chad E [0]: tvOS doesn't have PencilKit, so I can't save the PKDrawing data directly
Jun ’21
ShazamKit custom audio - Soup Counter
Last year the "Making Friends with The System" WWDC20 talk had a strong concentration of "soup" as is Shortcuts demo tradition. I thought it would be nice to train Shazam on the session audio and then let my app tell me how many soups had been uttered as the session played! The demo video of my app is in this tweet: Enjoy!
Jun ’21
How do I link against .tbd files in Xcode 7?
I need to link libz in my project. Normally I would add libz.dylib under the Linked Frameworks and Libraries settings, but now there are only .tbd files and no .dylib files when you search the list of libraries to add. When building I get a "warning: skipping file '/Users/me/xcode7/' (unexpected file type 'text' in Frameworks &amp; Libraries build phase)"Then I build fails with linker errors because of missing symbols. Am I missing something new in the way libraries are linked?
Jun ’15