




MacOS CloudKit production environment is not working properly
My macOS app is developed using SwfitUI, SwiftData, and CloudKit. In the development environment, CloudKit works well. Locally added models can be quickly viewed in the CloudKit Console. macOS app and iOS app with the same BundleID can also synchronize data normally when developing locally. However, in the production environment, the macOS app cannot synchronize data with iCloud. But iOS app can. The models added in the production environment are only saved locally and cannot be viewed in CloudKit Console Production. I am sure I have configured correctly, container schema changes to deploy to the Production environment. I think there may be a problem with CloudKit in macOS. Please help troubleshoot the problem. I can provide you with any information you need. var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { MainView() .frame(minWidth: 640, minHeight: 480) .environment(mainViewModel) } .modelContainer(for: [NoteRecord.self]) } I didn't do anything special. I didn’t do anything special. I just used SwiftData hosted by CloudKit.
Nov ’24
Questions about CloudKit cross-device synchronization
The same macOS app is logged into the same iCloud account on two Macs. The apps on both devices can sync data with iCloud, but the data between them is isolated. When I was developing, I just enabled the CloudKit(SwiftData host in iCloud) capability and did not do anything special. I thought that the same app and the same iCloud account should sync the same data between different devices. Why is the cloud data on these two Macs isolated?
Nov ’24