




Reply to Access to the choices global variable in installation-check script?
It's pretty egregious that Apple would have a basic Javascript syntax error on their documentation page like that. The correct syntax is: title = choices['myapp'].title; Another quick note: if you print one of the values in choices, e.g. system.log(choices['myapp']); it will print (null) to the installer log, giving you the false impression that every one of these keys has a null value. This is not the case, and you can still access the values' properties, such as title, visible, selected, etc.
Apr ’21
Reply to App Store Connect Operation Error
Sorry if I'm coming in here brimming with negativity, but it's never fun to wake up in the morning and see issues like this. The notarization requirement is bad enough as is, given that, in my opinion, it adds essentially no additional security to the platform, especially since there's already been at least one case of malware fooling Apple's notary into notarizing it. (Why not just check a quarantined executable for malware client side, rather than use a notary?!) But the fact that the notary service can't maintain consistent uptime just makes it painful. I can't send a build to a client now. Strangely Apple's system status page - still lists "Developer ID Notary Service" as green.
Oct ’20
Reply to Codeless Kext support moving forward?
I can offer a small tidbit of information, which is that I asked this exact question to an Apple engineer as part of a tech support incident, and while he wasn't willing to provide any information on timetables of feature deprecation (which is expected with Apple), he did say that codeless kexts are not mentioned in "Deprecated Kernel Extensions and System Extension Alternatives" at So we can take that to mean that they will probably continue to be supported for at least a little while longer. Unless of course Apple has neglected to mention them in that document, which is totally possible.
Sep ’20
Reply to Loading kernel extension now produces message "System Extension Blocked"?
Nevermind -- this issue has suddenly gone away on its own! Now if I try to load the same kernel extension in a fresh install of macOS 10.15.6, it pops up the dialog box that lets me load the kext. This is after reproducing the issue with the "need to be updated by the developer" message six or seven times. Even more perplexingly, two of the systems I was testing in were virtual machines, and I tried rolling them back into the same clean state I had used for testing minutes earlier and installed the same driver that had been having the issue. Now it lets me load it in the Security & Privacy system preferences. Suffice it to say, this is very odd! I can only guess that macOS is contacting a server when validating the kext, and something changed on Apple's servers so that macOS now permits this kext to load. Am I correct in this? If so, why was the kext denied permission to load in the first place? Some say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So it seems that one has to be at least a little insane to deal with kernel extensions in macOS.
Jul ’20
Reply to App is signed and notarized, but still produces the "cannot check it for malicious software" error in Catalina
After opening a TSI, eskimo was able to help me sort out what I was doing wrong. (Thanks!)The issue was that the scripts I wrote for zipping an app to send to Apple's notary service had a fatal (and apparently common) bug. I was using ditto like so to zip the app:ditto -ck -rsrc --sequesterRsrc /path/to/myApplication.appWhat's missing is the --keepParent option. It should have been this:ditto -ck -rsrc --sequesterRsrc --keepParent /path/to/myApplication.appWithout --keepParent the topmost directory in the zip will be "Contents" rather than "", and the ticket won't contain cdhashes for anything except the app's main executable.Hopefully this thread will allow other people to avoid this pitfall in the future!And I do sincerely hope that Apple will improve their command line tools and the console output from Gatekeeper to make this sort of issue much easier to debug. If Gatekeeper's output had said something to the effect of "xyz framework in is not included in its ticket" or if xcrun's stapler command issued a warning saying the ticket didn't include any of its frameworks or dylibs then it's much more likely I could have figured this out on my own.
Jun ’20
Reply to App is signed and notarized, but still produces the "cannot check it for malicious software" error in Catalina
> You know Xcode works. If you don't, then I'm telling you it does.I know Xcode works, but it only works for the things it works for. If you're working on a cross-platform Qt project, then the best choice is to use Qt's IDE. It is possible to build a Qt project using Xcode of course, but you'll either have to rely on a qmake generated Xcode project which comes with its own can of worms, or manually keep your Xcode project in sync with your Qt project. There's no perfect solution here. But I hope you can understand that it's not always as simple as "just use Xcode".(And I'll just briefly mention the actual experience of using Xcode versus other IDEs. Xcode is slow, kludgey, buggy, and difficult if not impossible to customize in important ways in comparison to other IDEs, which makes it very undesirable to me. I'm very opinionated about the workflow, UI arrangement and auxilery tools (like linters and code formatters) that I want to use and when writing code, and Xcode constantly puts obstacles in the way of that. Its general modus operandi is to do things Apple's way, or not do them at all. It's my least favorite IDE, except for maybe Visual Studio.)> It's not a burden. It's drop-dead, fall-of-a-log, do-it-in-my-sleep easy.We'll just have to agree to disagree here. I mean, I do get it. If you're just building a typical macOS application in Xcode and using Xcode's automatic workflow for building, signing, provisioning, and notarizing a release, then it makes it very easy. I've built many such applications entirely within Xcode and notarization went smoothly. But it only applies to, as I said, typical macOS applications.For my work I've lost many days bashing my head against notarization, especially because my company releases custom-built drivers and software that's generated automatically based on hardware profiles. It's not impossible to add notarization to that, but it was definitely difficult. Yes, we're building software in non-standard ways, but we do that because we have to. There's just no realistic way to run that kind of pipeline for our mac software only using Xcode.> You better go back into quarantine because you sure aren't going to like the next few weeks.Yes, I suspect I won't! 😝
Jun ’20
Reply to App is signed and notarized, but still produces the "cannot check it for malicious software" error in Catalina
> Have you looked in Console?Yes, my first post that you replied to contained excerpts from all of the relevant parts of Console's output that I could find. Unfortunately it didn't give me any clues. > The "alternative" is to use Xcode which does it all correctly.> Notarization is fall-off-a-log easy, for everyone who uses Xcode, properly signs, and avoids problematic frameworks.I hope you can understand and appreciate that it doesn't make sense to use something like Xcode for every software project on macOS. Xcode is highly opinionated and platform-specific. In my case I'm using Qt's toolchain out of necessity for my paid work. In my experience, it's not always practical or possible to do things the way Apple prescribes. It simply doesn't cover all possible use cases or project needs.Besides, Apple provides command-line tools that are supposed to allow developers to use other development tools outside of Xcode. I'm using those tools as documented by Apple and they're failing to produce software that works in macOS 10.15.5 while erroneously indicating that they were successful. I consider that a bug in Apple's tools, not a flaw in my development toolchain.> One of those exploits used the same slightly lax dylib loading scheme that you depended on. That bug is now fixed, so your app is broken.It's still unclear if the problem with my app is about dylib loading. At least there's no clear output in Console about an issue with dynamic libraries. And all of the dylibs required by Qt are signed, notarized, and in the proper place in the app's bundle.> Well, no. In fact is has been the opposite. Apple's security platform has been more successful than any client-side approach. And it certainly provides a better user experience.I agree that Apple has been a lot more successful than Windows. (I'm not really going to compare to Linux since by and large Linux can be configured however the user wants and therefore security is up to the user.) However I'm not suggesting a client-side approach replace anything other than notarization. All the rest of it could stay as is. So what I'm saying is that there doesn't seem to be any reason why the checks that Apple's notary service performs couldn't just happen client-side, relieving developers of the burden of having to notarize while allowing for more malware to be caught. I'm sure malicious parties can and already have figured out how to get malicious software notarized through obfuscation and exploiting current security flaws in the system, and those notarized apps will continue to appear to be valid to Gatekeeper. That is, of course, unless macOS receives updates that allows it to catch those apps. But in that case, why not just do the notary service's job client-side anyway if it requires constantly updating the system with new methods for detecting malware like any other anti-malware process?> And don't forget that I also mentioned fraud. Notarization hasn't stopped piracy at all. The only thing that I'm aware of being stopped is pirated apps that include server-side features like iCloud integration where an app needs to be properly signed and provisioned by a specific developer. And in this case the security mechanism that's preventing use of the pirated feature is codesigning, not notarization.> Wrong platform, Corrigan. That doesn't matter here.It most certainly does. macOS is not iOS. It is (and hopefully will continue to be) a general purpose computer operating system that's meant to be used for however its users need it. In the case of developers, power users, and other advanced users, it might require doing non-standard, even unorthodox, things that the system isn't originally designed to do. The more restrictions that Apple applies to what software is allowed to run and do, the more these use cases get locked out and the less useful the platform will become. This is just my opinion but I think it would be very short-sighted of Apple to continue along these lines.
Jun ’20
Reply to App is signed and notarized, but still produces the "cannot check it for malicious software" error in Catalina
What I don't understand is that if any of these problems are present in an app bundle, why does Apple's notary service still report success and allow me to staple a ticket to the app? I've had many failed notarization attempts before, and it provides me with a report of everything that's wrong in the app, including frameworks, dylibs, or other binaries that are improperly signed, files being in the wrong place in the bundle, executables not being built with hardened runtime, and so on.I know this is nit-picky, but that isn't a successful notarization. A successful notarization is when you don't get that message.I think the distinction is between the app being accepted by Apple's notary service and them providing a ticket to staple, and the app passing Gatekeeper's security checks. The former is necessary for the latter, but the latter apparently has more requirements beyond just notarization. Unfortunately it also doesn't tell me anything about why it's failing to allow my app to run!1) Don't use poor signing practices. Don't use "--deep" and don't use "--force". I'm sorry, but the internet is wrong on this, as it often is.I have been using this since, at up until now, it had been working fine. Is the alternative you recommend to individually sign all bundles, executables and dylibs from deepest to shallowest in the bundle?Also, if there is something wrong with these two options, I would hope Apple would either get around to fixing them or remove them if they don't work and aren't supported.2) Don't use flaky 3rd party frameworks and libraries. Yes, I'm talking directly to you, Qt. But I'm sure there are many others.Too late for that -- this entire app I'm trying to get notarized is built using Qt 5.9.9. However I had no problem getting it notarized and running in macOS 10.15 until now. Very little of consequence has changed between my prior and current attempts!3) Use sane bundle layouts.I've already had to restructure my app bundle in order to get everything in proper order so that Apple's notary service would accept it. But as near as I can tell, everything is assembled correctly now. If there is an issue, I thought Apple's notary service would reject the app and let me know.4) Make sure your dynamic libraries are properly loaded.Everything is linked using absolute paths or @rpath. Is @rpath still allowed? I've had Apple's notary service reject an app because of improper linkage, so I thought that if it's accepted that'll be the end of it.Malware?Sure, I figure that's the ostensible reason. But for one, I don't see how this provides more protection than what Mojave already had. There was already a system in place to catch known malware and prevent it from running, plus developer certificates can be revoked by Apple if a dev gets caught committing abuses. And unsigned apps were already rejected outrightly by Gatekeeper.And more importantly, I've yet to see any compelling explanation why this entire notarization system works better than, say, some kind of client-side process that scans executables to try and detect malicious code the first time it's executed. That's been a successful method of stopping malware on every other operating system. It also seems to have a lot of important advantages:- Malware definitions can be updated frequently. If a novel piece of malware manages to slip through Apple's notarization checks and is notarized, it'll still appear to be legitimate, whereas as-needed scanner could detect it once the malware definitions are updated.- It avoids all of the aggravating and frustrating work developers have had to go through getting their software notarized- It provides a better user experience because it provides just as much protection while still allowing more apps to run.- It allows the platform to remain more open.
Jun ’20
Reply to App is signed and notarized, but still produces the "cannot check it for malicious software" error in Catalina
Thanks for the tips, but after pouring through a huge amount of logs, I have found nothing that I can recognize as a reason my app is being rejected by gatekeeper.The best I can find is the following cryptic log messages:syspolicyd looking up ticket: {length = 20, bytes = 0x}, 2, 0 syspolicyd completing lookup: {length = 20, bytes = 0x}, 3 syspolicyd MacOS error: 3 syspolicyd Error checking with notarization daemon: 3 syspolicyd rule 6 applies - allow=1 (repeats ~20 times) syspolicyd looking up ticket: {length = 20, bytes = 0x}, 2, 0 syspolicyd completing lookup: {length = 20, bytes = 0x}, 0 syspolicyd rule 11 applies - allow=1 syspolicyd Legacy override ignored for match source: Notarized Developer ID syspolicyd GK scan complete: /path/to/, 0, 0 syspolicyd App gets first launch prompt because responsibility: /path/to/, /path/to/ syspolicyd GK evaluateScanResult: 0, /path/to/, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 syspolicyd GK eval - was allowed: 0, show prompt: 1How on earth am I supposed to glean anything meaningful from that?!I'm sorry if I'm venting my frustrations, but this is the umpteenth time I've run into a show-stopping issue due to Catalina's security. And I find it absolutely insane that Apple provides no tool for checking whether Gatekeeper will allow an app to run on Catalina and, if it fails Gatekeeper's checks, providing clear information as to why it won't run. How can you expect people to develop software for your platform without that?(And just as a tangential aside, why are these security requirements, most of all notarization, even necessary? What specific security problems that were present in Mojave are they solving, and to whose benefit? I ask because, as far as I can tell, this new security provides no real benefit to the end user, and rather causes extra headaches and work for developers and a lot of confusion and frustration for everyone.)Sufficed to say, I will an enhancement request as you suggest in the thread you linked to.I will also open a DTS technical support incident since I clearly can't solve this problem on my own. I only hope that the result of that conversation will be information that will allow me to solve this sort of issue on my own in the future. (Basically, I'm looking to learn to fish, not just to be given a fish.)
Jun ’20
Reply to Cannot build a system extension with the necessary entitlements so that it can activate while SIP is disabled
I believe I found a solution. The trick is to not codesign the app or system extension in Xcode (i.e. use "Sign to Run Locally"), build it with no entitlements, and then manually sign the extension and then the app using the command line and specify the entitlements you want to include. I did so using terminal commands that looked something like this:codesign --verify --entitlements path/to/ -f -s "Developer ID Application: My Name" path/to/ codesign --verify --entitlements path/to/applicationBundle.entitlements -f -s "Developer ID Application: My Name" path/to/ replace the paths of the entitlement files, the system extension, the app bundle, and your signing identity with the correct ones.)I'd love to know if there's a better way to do this. But for the time being it seems like Xcode doesn't actually support building and testing system extensions!
Apr ’20