




NSPersistantCloudKitContainer and remote notifications on macOS app
So when building an iOS app with NSPersistantCloudKitContainer I use remote notifications in the backgrounds mode capability to enable background fetching but when I try to add that same functionality to my macOS app background mode is not a capability that I can add. Do I need remote notifications for my NSPersistantCloudKitContainer functionality on a macOS app or is there something else I need to do?
Apr ’22
Create "Screen" like command in macOS application
I am trying to create a screen like function that would be used in terminal but in a macOS application where the user can send and receive data to a /dev/cu.usbmodem*. I am doing this in a macOS application and not a Command Line tool because I need to be able to access cloudKit easily. I haven't found much of any info on this? IDK if it matters but I could code c, c++, or Swift file if that makes this possible. Not sure where I should tag this thread either. Sorry I'm new to forums. Is this a possibility?
Mar ’22
CloudKit and Serial-port Communication
Hi everyone. I am working on a project at my university where I have an Arduino that is using some sensors to read data. I wanted to go above and beyond on this project because it's for a final. The setup consists of an Arduino that will be connected to my MacBook via USB. This Arduino is going to send data values from its sensor when it receives a command. These commands will be uploaded to the CloudKit database from the users iPhone via a button in the UI. They will then be fetched from the CloudKit database on the MacBook where they will be sent to the Arduino. When the data returns to the MacBook, it will then be uploaded to the database where the users device will fetch the updated data and display it on the screen. I know this is not the ideal system by any means but it is what I have to work with. I've mostly finished the iOS side of things and have a working test app but my issue is the MacBook portion of the system. How can I preform this serial port communication and utilize CloudKit at the same time?
Mar ’22