




Reply to Create "Screen" like command in macOS application
I've tried to use the SerialSample program on Apple's Developer site but haven't been able to get the data back that would receive in a terminal screen. It does connect to the usbmodem and at the correct baud rate but the data is incorrect. This is most likely an error in my usage so I will also listen to suggestions for that method if it's the only way to achieve my above goal.
Mar ’22
Reply to CloudKit and Serial-port Communication
I have done research on serial port communication using a macOS app a little bit ago but it seems like I will need to use a Command-line tool program. Is this correct? If I do go the Command-line tool route I will have to use cktool I believe. Will cktool allow me to use NSPersistentCloudKitContainer or similar command to allow a silent notification type fetch data system?
Mar ’22