




Reply to How to enable AppleScript between Parent and Child applications within sandbox for Mac App Store?
I tried to post a comment to Quinn's question but the code formatting for comments is ugly. Here is how I'm starting the child app: let process = Process() let url = Bundle.main.bundleURL.path + "/Contents/MacOS/" process.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath:url) process.terminationHandler = { (process) in print("\ndidFinish: \(!process.isRunning)") } do { try } catch let error as NSError { NSLog("Failed to execute ", error) }
May ’22
Reply to How to enable AppleScript between Parent and Child applications within sandbox for Mac App Store?
I should've included how I'm attempting to execute applescript from the Child app: NSDictionary* errorDict; NSAppleScript* scriptObject = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: @"tell application id \"\" to sign_out"]; NSAppleEventDescriptor* returnDescriptor = [scriptObject executeAndReturnError: &errorDict]; Maybe I can only execute compiled applescripts?
May ’22