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Are there any updates for WKWebView on iOS 17? I see that Safari now has more privacy settings such as "Advanced tracking and Fingerprinting Protection", but does this apply to WKWebViews or just Safari? I'm assuming just Safari. Also, is there a way to detect the fingerprinting settings on Safari? Thank you.
by gomfucius.
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22 Replies
I just downloaded Xcode 12 GM, submitted my app to AppStore Connect, click on "Submit for Review" and I get this error: Unable to Submit for Review The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed. Anyone else seeing this?
by gomfucius.
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2 Replies
Hello, We got a warning in Xcode saying the Xcode Cloud minutes are approaching usage limit. What exactly is the limit? We might want to update our CI approach. Thanks in advance.
by gomfucius.
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2 Replies
Looks like iOS 13.5 introduced a new bug, this is not reproducible in iOS 13.3. When using the following code and turn to landscape mode with device that has notch, the text inside the list gets cut off. Does anyone have any workaround or fix? Filed a bug report to Apple. var body: some View { 		List { 				Text("Some Text") 		} 		.listStyle(GroupedListStyle()) 		.environment(\.horizontalSizeClass, .regular) }
by gomfucius.
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5 Replies
Hello,I have been getting rejected about 8 times on an app that requires CloudKit.It's just a simple recipe app that posts recipes on CloudKit. Because it was getting rejected saying it needs to have some kind of feature even without CloudKit, I've added local storage option too. But now I've gotten rejected because they said interaction between the CloudKit storage option and local storage option is buggy. I gave up on this app 3 times in the past 6 months, but I keep coming back to this because I just want it on the AppStore since I've put fair amount of work to it.How are people making use of CloudKit in their apps?
by gomfucius.
Last updated