




App was rejected 1.4: Safety - Physical Harm
Our app has been rejected from the app store because of 1.4 Physical Harm Description: This app is used by users from the USA (Only registered users). Users can log their health based self-assessment data like Vital, Symptoms, OTC medications, Diet, and Physician activities. and our app will deliver these data into the user's care team (Physician or clinician).Problem: We have the above features from 2018 itself. But recently we have integrated some of the FDA approved medical devices within our application to transmit the data from the medical devices to our application over the Bluetooth protocol. Since then our app got rejected from app store stated that we have violated the app stores' guidelines (1.4.1 Physical Harm - Safety)"1.4.1 Medical apps that could provide inaccurate data or information, or that could be used for diagnosing or treating patients may be reviewed with greater scrutiny."Our app's features:FDA approved Blood Pressure Monitor Device integration over BluetoothFDA approved Weight Scale Device integration over BluetoothFDA approved Pulse Oximeter Device integration over BluetoothFDA approved Blood Glucometer integration over BluetoothPlease anyone help us to resolve this issue.
Jun ’20