
Post marked as solved
56 Replies
I made new project on Xcode 11 beta 7 and just run app on simulator and go back to home screen.Then debugger shows the message below, although I didn't implement codes related background task.Can't end BackgroundTask: no background task exists with identifier 1 (0x1), or it may have already been ended. Break in UIApplicationEndBackgroundTaskError() to debug.Has anyone else experienced this problem?
by frnkwk.
Last updated
Post marked as solved
1 Replies
I added the code below to the collectionview using UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource. However, I can not drag the cells. (mysteriously, I can drag cells on Mac Catalyst) What is missing? dataSource.reorderingHandlers.canReorderItem = { item in return true } dataSource.reorderingHandlers.didReorder = { [weak self] transaction in 		guard let self = self else { return } 		 		if let updatedBackingStore = self.backingStore.applying(transaction.difference) { 				self.backingStore = updatedBackingStore 		} }
by frnkwk.
Last updated
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
I made new project on Xcode 11 beta 7 and add this code in AppDelegate.swift.func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { NSLog("%@", #function) }Run app on device / simulator and go back to home screen, however applicationDidEnterBackground are not called and I got this message on debugger.(I didn't implement codes related background task.)Can't end BackgroundTask: no background task exists with identifier 1 (0x1), or it may have already been ended. Break in UIApplicationEndBackgroundTaskError() to debug.Has anyone else experienced this problem?
by frnkwk.
Last updated