




Denied Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page on Appstore connect + Personal Team in Xcode
Dear fellow Developers, I am hoping this post can be replied to by an Apple technical support employee. I am in the process of implementing Universal deep linking for our team's React Native iOS mobile application. Our team is enrolled into the Apple Developer Program and I am assigned the "App Manager" role in our team. Just today, my co-worker, who is assigned the "Admin" role, and I, tried to generate a provisioning profile for our app on the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page on Appstore connect. We need to generate a provisioning profile and download it to pass on to the developers (i.e. me) to be able to test the Universal deep linking. However, while going into that page, my co-worked with "Admin" role going by the name of Yuya, could not access the page despite having Admin privileges in our shared Apple Developer Account. The Apple Developer Account is owned by the professor under whom we work but with Admin privileges, we assumed that Yuya would be able to access this page to generate our provisioning profile, create a bundle ID and ensure that the "Associated Domains" capability was enabled (all of which are done through that page it seems). The error message read precisely as follows: "Access Unavailable: This resource is only for developers enrolled in a developer program or members of an organization's team in a developer program". I can also send a screenshot of this error message if I can somehow attach it on our future correspondances. I am wondering why this error pops up when our developer team are enrolled and we do pay the $99 annual fee for it. What is even more odd is: when I used my own Apple ID in Xcode (i.e. I logged in with that Apple ID in the preferences page) and when I selected the team with this Apple ID on Xcode, it showed up as "Personal Team", whereas in the Apple Docs it states that if your Apple ID is associated with a Apple Developer Team, the team name will show up in Xcode, after which I would be able to add the Associated Domains capability. This whole process of trying to get a universal domain associated with our iOS app has been quite confusing for me for more than three weeks now. I seem to be blocked in testing and making progress in our app development due to the many security and logistical steps required by Apple. I have already done the part of hosting the AASA file into the root of our webserver, but after that, the only step remains to generate our provisioning profile, register a unique bundle ID with our app and ensure the Associated Domains is enabled, for which I do not have access. If you can please assist me in completing the above steps accordingly, or at least explaining why the above two counterintuitive errors occur, that will be truly appreciated! We are willing to get on a call or provide with any extra information needed (like details of the apple developer program account holder) to make progress in our task. Kindly, Farhan Kassam (App Manager).
Aug ’20
'RCTLog.h' file not found & Use of undeclared identifier 'RNBRANCH_VERSION' build-time error while creating an archive for iOS app.
Dear Apple Developers, I write to you this message to discuss with you a major issue I have been struggling with for the past two weeks related to creating an archive for our project's iOS application. Before I go in-depth with the issue, I want to mention that our team lead is enrolled in the Apple Developer Program for which we have a valid distribution signing certificate and distribution provisioning profiles associated with our application. To expedite the process, I have provided you with our Bundle ID and Team ID in our personal technical support query to you so that you may look up any necessary information about our project, should you need to. In addition to that, I thought I may make a post on this forum in case anybody in the public knew the solution to it already. I also want to state that I have already followed the steps in this Prepare for app distribution page - to prepare our app for distribution and all the requirements have been met to create an archive for our app. I have also looked around the Developer Documentation - and "Apple Developer Forums" for a solution to this and tried precisely eleven different solutions to fix this depending on posts from other users of the forum as well as from Github issues and Stackoverflow links, but none seemed to resolve this. I found the Developer Documentation - to be slightly outdated as it is not updated often and as for the Apple Developer Forums, I simply could not find a solution to this. The technical issue is as follows: it seems to be appearing in the RNBranchConfig.m file within the react-native-branch package for iOS specifically in lines 9 and 23 that 'React/RCTLog.h' file not found and Use of undeclared identifier 'RNBRANCH_VERSION' respectively. Now you may be wondering that this issue may be related to the package provider but for the former error, it seems as though the package cannot detect the React target dependencies and in particular, this RCTLog.h file which is located within Facebook's React framework. Thus, it seems to me that this may be an issue within Xcode itself not being able to detect the connected dependencies. I wish I could attach images onto here so that you could see the error message precisely as it was appearing to me in Xcode. To reproduce the issue, do the following: 1) Open the <project>.xcodeproj in Xcode and add the RNBranch.xcodeproj manually into the Library directory. I did this to remove the -lBranch not found error I was experiencing in Xcode earlier. 2) Go to Product > Clean Build Folder to start the build process afresh. 3) Make sure that the device to run the target app on is Generic iOS Device in the top-left corner next to the Run symbol. 4) Click on Product > Archive to start the archiving process of generating the .ipa file which compresses the app into a file that can be distributed to other software (I am using this so that I can distribute the app to BETA testers via Firebase App Distribution).  5) For me, during the archive process, it pops up a terminal window showing that dependency graphs have been loaded, as it should. 6) After a minute or so, it shows that there are two compile-time errors, both in the same aforementioned file. Specifically it is: 'React/RCTLog.h' file not found (line 9) and Use of undeclared identifier 'RNBRANCH_VERSION' (line 23). In terms of the solutions I have tried so far, there is a comprehensive list I created in the following Github issue link, with detailed screenshots and images, highlighting the solutions I have given a try. It is very comprehensive and contains specific details with code captures. I hope you can review it before you respond to me: Now that you have read the ELEVEN possible solutions I have tried, you can see that I have tried so many different things to get RNBranchConfig.m to detect RCTLog.h in the React dependency, but NONE worked! I am currently out of options and that is why I ask for some help. We need to get our app released for BETA testing within two weeks now so I also have a time constraint, which, as a developer, is quite stressful as you can imagine. Below, find details about the version of the various tools, software, packages and libraries I am using while I encounter this error so that you may assist me faster: react-native: ^0.60.0, ^0.61.2, ^0.62.1 and ^0.63.3 react: ^16.13.1 and ^16.90 react-native-branch: ^5.0.0 cocoapods: cocoapods-1.8.4 node: v12.14.1 npm: 6.13.4 Xcode: 11.4 macOS: Catalina 10.15.5 ruby: ruby-2.6.3 react-native-cli: 2.0.1 I also have an Xcode archive log and a build log generated by the IDE. The archive log is too long to attach here and the build log I shall attach on here as a text attachment: build log - . Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Farhan Kassam.
Oct ’20