I see that we can make old versions of our app unavailable for download in App Store Connect.
Apart from preventing people from downloading older versions from the store, what's the impact on the users?
Are they prompted to install a more recent version if they run something outdated?
Anything else?
Does anyone know about the timeline for the new requirement "Provide your trader status in App Store Connect"?
Is there a hard deadline? Or are we already blocked from release updates without this?
We've reached the 100 development devices limit at https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/devices/list
We're soon renewing our membership and will use the opportunity to reset the device list, as mentioned at https://developer.apple.com/support/renewal/
If you renew your membership, you and any Admins will be given the option to remove registered test devices that you no longer use for development when you first sign in to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles at the start of your new membership year. You can remove specific devices, remove all devices to restore your available device count to 100 per device type, or continue without removing any devices. Once you complete this process, new devices can be added.
We don't want to and can't cherry-pick the devices we want to keep (it would be too complicated), so instead we would like to completely wipe the list and start from scratch, so we have our 100 limit back.
But then I am wondering, if a device is removed (via the reset, not disabled), can it be then added back after the reset process. Some of the development devices we've been using will still be used after this.
=> Is it a device removal? Or is it a device lifetime ban? Can we add back a device once it's been removed via the reset?
Thank you