Hello,I'm trying to build my app using Xcode 10 beta - but I get an error wich I don't get on the previous versions. Any idea of what it could be?While silgen emitConstructor SIL function "@$S14PROJECT25SBMonitoredVehicleJourneyV12directionRef04lineG017publishedLineName9monitored0L4Call15monitoringError24originAimedDepartureTime011destinationq7ArrivalS05delay08courseOfeG00pG00pK00tG00tK005routeG015vehicleLocation0Z4Mode0zG0AcA011SBDirectionG0OSg_SSSgAYSbAA0cM0VAA012SBMonitoringO0OSgA9yA17SBVehicleLocationVSgAA13SBVehicleModeOAYtcfC".
for 'init(directionRef:lineRef:publishedLineName:monitored:monitoredCall:monitoringError:originAimedDepartureTime:destinationAimedArrivalTime:delay:courseOfJourneyRef:originRef:originName:destinationRef:destinationName:routeRef:vehicleLocation:vehicleMode:vehicleRef:)' at /Users/name/Developer/PROJECT/PROJECT/Models/SBMonitoredVehicleJourney.swift:11:8
error: Segmentation fault: 11struct SBMonitoredVehicleJourney: Equatable, Codable {
let directionRef: SBDirectionRef?
/// Identifies the Line.
let lineRef: String?
/// Name or Number by which the line is known to the public.
let publishedLineName: String?
/// Whether there is real-time information available for journey; if not present, not known.
let monitored: Bool
let monitoredCall: SBMonitoredCall
let monitoringError: SBMonitoringError?
let originAimedDepartureTime, destinationAimedArrivalTime, delay, courseOfJourneyRef: String?
let originRef, originName, destinationRef, destinationName: String?
/// Identifier of Route that Journey follows.
let routeRef: String?
let vehicleLocation: SBVehicleLocation?
let vehicleMode: SBVehicleMode
/// Reference to a vehicle
let vehicleRef: String?
lazy var departureStatus: SBDepartureStatus = {
if delay != nil {
let startDate = Date()
let components = NSDateComponents.duration(from: delay!)
let endDate = NSCalendar.current.date(byAdding: components as DateComponents, to: startDate)
if let timeInterval = endDate?.timeIntervalSince(startDate) {
switch timeInterval {
case ...(-60): return .early
case 0...120: return .ontime
case 120...: return .delayed
default: return .noreport
return .noreport
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case courseOfJourneyRef = "CourseOfJourneyRef"
case delay = "Delay"
case destinationAimedArrivalTime = "DestinationAimedArrivalTime"
case destinationName = "DestinationName"
case destinationRef = "DestinationRef"
case directionRef = "DirectionRef"
case lineRef = "LineRef"
case monitored = "Monitored"
case monitoredCall = "MonitoredCall"
case monitoringError = "MonitoringError"
case originAimedDepartureTime = "OriginAimedDepartureTime"
case originName = "OriginName"
case originRef = "OriginRef"
case publishedLineName = "PublishedLineName"
case routeRef = "RouteRef"
case vehicleLocation = "VehicleLocation"
case vehicleMode = "VehicleMode"
case vehicleRef = "VehicleRef"
Hi, I have downloaded the latest Xcode from Mac App Store, but in that version the simulators for 13.4 is not available. Is there a way I can get them? Unfortunatly I deleted the Xcode beta when the new version appeared in Mac App Store.
Is there a way to resize the symbols in a toolbar within a Mac Catalyst app? When I use SF Symbols in a UIBarButton item, it does not look correct - especially when comparing to Apple apps with the same icons. I have tried applying configurations to the image, without luck.let item = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(systemName: "exclamationmark.bubble"), style: .plain, target: self, action: nil)
let button = NSToolbarItem(itemIdentifier: itemIdentifier, barButtonItem: item)
return button
Hello,How can I test my Catalyst app in Sandbox mode on macOS? When running the app from Xcode, it already has access to for example location without asking for permissions.If I archive the app and select distribution method "Developer ID" I get the following error message:"Profile doesn't include the com.apple.developer.nfc.readersession.formats and com.apple.developer.siri entitlements."I have tried deleting all of the profiles and let Xcode manage them, but still get the same error message - so I'm unable to export the app to other destinations than the App Store.
After updating to macOS Big Sur, the USB-C ports on the right hand side of my MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) stopped working.
Any ideas on what I could check while waiting for a new update? I have tried resetting SMC without any luck.
Filed a feedback for it as well: FB7782565
I have a macOS app built with SwiftUI, that targets macOS 11.
In this app I have a ScrollView that contains several other ScrollViews, but these are only scrollable horizontally.
If I mouse over these views, I cannot scroll up/down in the parent view. Only If I move the mouse pointer away from these views, I can scroll.
I want it like, if the user scrolls up/down in the horizontal ScrollViews, the scroll event should be passed to the parent view.
Is there a way I can fix this?
Isn't MediaPlayer available on the Watch Simulators?
It's working if I build and run on a physical device, but when I try to run it I get the following build error: ld: framework not found MediaPlayer
Is there a way to control the preview when a context menu is presented in SwiftUI? I have an overlay on my view that I want to hide if the context menu is presented.
I have a Apple Watch app that is bundled with my iOS app. However, when I install the app using TestFlight it crashes on launch.
The app runs fine when launching directly from Xcode. Any tips on how to investigate the cause of this problem?
I have exported the diagnosis log for the app, but that doesn't say me much:
Exception Type: EXCCRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Reason: Namespace WATCHKIT, Code 0x1
Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed:
0	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e3fe060 0x1e3d5000 + 168032
1	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e40297c 0x1e3d5000 + 186748
2	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e402918 0x1e3d5000 + 186648
3	 WatchKit											 0x33b49df4 0x33a8a000 + 785908
4	 WatchKit											 0x33b4af38 0x33a8a000 + 790328
5	 libdispatch.dylib						 0x1e22c658 0x1e229000 + 13912
6	 libdispatch.dylib						 0x1e22dcbc 0x1e229000 + 19644
7	 WatchKit											 0x33aa75f0 0x33a8a000 + 120304
8	 WatchKit											 0x33aa7384 0x33a8a000 + 119684
9	 UIKitCore										 0x3f226e78 0x3e848000 + 10350200
10	UIKitCore										 0x3f22cc40 0x3e848000 + 10374208
11	UIKitCore										 0x3ea3b74c 0x3e848000 + 2045772
12	UIKitCore										 0x3f228960 0x3e848000 + 10357088
13	UIKitCore										 0x3f228d9c 0x3e848000 + 10358172
14	UIKitCore										 0x3f22ea68 0x3e848000 + 10381928
15	WatchKit											 0x33aa6af8 0x33a8a000 + 117496
16	libdyld.dylib								 0x1e269de8 0x1e269000 + 3560
Thread 1:
0	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835b4 0x1e479000 + 42420
Thread 2:
0	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835b4 0x1e479000 + 42420
Thread 3:
0	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835b4 0x1e479000 + 42420
Thread 4:
0	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835b4 0x1e479000 + 42420
Thread 5 name:	com.apple.uikit.eventfetch-thread
Thread 5:
0	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e3db8a4 0x1e3d5000 + 26788
1	 libsystem_kernel.dylib				 0x1e3dad00 0x1e3d5000 + 23808
2	 CoreFoundation								 0x1e7f2a0c 0x1e75d000 + 612876
3	 CoreFoundation								 0x1e7ed414 0x1e75d000 + 590868
4	 CoreFoundation								 0x1e7ecb70 0x1e75d000 + 588656
5	 Foundation										 0x1f313fc0 0x1f30c000 + 32704
6	 Foundation										 0x1f313ea0 0x1f30c000 + 32416
7	 UIKitCore										 0x3f2c2074 0x3e848000 + 10985588
8	 Foundation										 0x1f4738a0 0x1f30c000 + 1472672
9	 libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e47af04 0x1e479000 + 7940
10	libsystem_pthread.dylib			 0x1e4835c8 0x1e479000 + 42440
Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
		x0: 0x0000000000000016	 x1: 0x0000000000000001	 x2: 0x0000000000000000	 x3: 0x0000000000000000
		x4: 0x000000001766dc29	 x5: 0x0000000000000002	 x6: 0x0000000000000000	 x7: 0x0000000000000000
		x8: 0x0000000000000020	 x9: 0x0000000089b10070	x10: 0x000000004bee7c00	x11: 0x0000000000000000
	 x12: 0x0000000000ff0007	x13: 0x000000001a321000	x14: 0x0000000000033fe8	x15: 0x0000000000000000
	 x16: 0x0000000000000209	x17: 0x0000000000000001	x18: 0x0000000000000000	x19: 0x0000000000000002
	 x20: 0x000000001766dc29	x21: 0x0000000000000000	x22: 0x0000000000000000	x23: 0x0000000000000001
	 x24: 0x0000000000000016	x25: 0x000000004d237ef0	x26: 0x0000000017670310	x27: 0x000000000000000c
	 x28: 0x000000004ef60000	 fp: 0x0000000004abf320	 lr: 0x000000001e40297c
		sp: 0x0000000004abf2e0	 pc: 0x000000001e3fe060 cpsr: 0x40000000
	 esr: 0x56000080	Address size fault
It seems like views inside a ZStack has onAppear called twice. I suspect this is a bug, but does anyone know a workaround?
I have network calls that are invoked on onAppear, so they are all called twice. :(
When I navigate between views, sometimes the back button disappears after 1 sec. From what I can see, this happens when I have items in the toolbar. If I remove the toolbar, it works as it should.
Are my code below wrong, or is this a bug with iOS 14?
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
HStack(spacing: 40) {
#if DEBUG && os(iOS)
Button(action: {
}) {
Label("Find artwork", systemImage: "scribble")
#if !os(watchOS) && !os(tvOS)
if let providerUrl = provider.url, let url = URL(string: providerUrl) {
Button(action: {
}) {
Label("View \(provider.name) in Safari", systemImage: "safari")
.accessibility(label: Text("View \(provider.name) in Safari"))
Is it possible to control how the navigation bar appears in SwiftUI? When I present a view using NavigationLink, the entire navigation bar becomes transparent and making it hard to differentiate between the items in the navigation bar and the actual content below.
I want the Navigation Bar to be blurred.
VStack {
Map(coordinateRegion: $region, annotationItems: rekoRings.filter({ searchBar.text.isEmpty || $0.name.localizedStandardContains(searchBar.text) })) { ring in
MapAnnotation(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: ring.latitude, longitude: ring.longitude),
anchorPoint: CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)) {
destination: RekoRingDetailView(rekoRing: ring),
label: {
VStack {
Image(systemName: "smallcircle.fill.circle.fill")
.frame(width: 22, height: 22, alignment: .center)
if !disableInteraction {
.onAppear(perform: {
.navigationTitle(Text("Delivery Locations"))
I've been testing out the Map in SwiftUI, but there are some things I cannot figure out if it's possible or not.
I have a lot of MapAnnotations in the map, which represent vehicles. I update it's coordinate to reflect the current location for the vehicle. However:
When I update the coordinate for one vehicle, it seems like SwiftUI redraws all annotations and not only the one that has changed.
The vehicle annotation does indeed update it's location when I change the coordinate, but I cannot find a way to animate it? Now it just jumps to the next location. I guess that's related to the point above.
Any suggestion on how I could solve this? Or is the only way to use UIKit MapView?
I have an intent in my app that does not allow background execution. When the user taps a notification, runs a shortcut, etc. I want it to open my app to perform the action.
I have activated "Display Donations on Lock Screen" and when I tap the notification my app is opening, but the intent handler in AppDelegate is never called. Any ideas why?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, handlerFor intent: INIntent) -> Any? {
switch intent {
case is OpenPassIntent:
return OpenPassIntentHandler()
return nil