




iOS 17.3 Beta
Since the 1st of January, out of nothing my test device starts to behave like it did during the test of iOS 17 beta 5. The device doesn't find any wifi network anymore and most of the time it disables the functionality completely. The button to toggle on wifi is inactive and can't be changed. So I went thru some post and tried a lot of stuff. I reset the network, not help I tried to remove the networks that could be the issue, remove = ok, but no solution I tried to inactivate the reverse proxy stuff, seems it wasn't even activated. But quite difficult to get there, cause most of the time no window is shown Airdrop doesn't work, but it suggests me to activate wi-fi, but no luck I can't set on the Cellar Data to use it when the wi-fi connection is to bad I did a downgrade to iOS 17.3 beta, cause yes, I was able to do the update before the withdraw of Apple for the version iOS 17.3 beta2 and at the beginning the wifi seemed to work, the device saw multiple wifi networks, but wasn't able to connect to them. And after that the device came back to the situation as before. So it was of short moment, but I was able with a lot of lag, to see the different wi-fi settings, and they seemed all good to me. As there is no wi-fi, on cellar data (4G/5G), I can not do a backup for the amount of data. The problem is that the device is to full and to slow (66GB of the 250GB the device has) to complete versus the MacBook or iCloud. Any suggestion would be great, if there is none, I will do like the last time and do a full restore, with a backup from some time ago.
Jan ’24
iOS 17 beta 5 - Wifi - No networks detected - Slow on opening wifi settings screen
I have updated my iPhone 14 pro max to the iOS 17 beta 4 and since then I can't connect anymore to our wifi network(s). The second device with the same iOS does it well. The faulty device, takes a while before opening the wifi-settings screen, and doesn't show any wifi network. Sometimes it shows mobile devices nearby as hotspots. But even to those I can't connect. In the console you see a kind of endless loop of the wifid process. After a while the device reboots by him selves and as long as you don't do any action on the wifi settings, he remains working. It is true that the device is very slow in case of network action. I did already a network reset, updated in the meanwhile to beta 5. Again a network reset, but the issue remains. Tell me what you need to have as logging to be able to back trace the issue. I don't really have the intention to do a reset of the device as it is a beta device. And I want to see if the issue can be solved by updates or manual intervention on some settings. Another strange behaviour is the fact that when I go into the list of my known networks, it is still filled up, even after a network reset. And when you manually delete an entry it remains. Which makes me think that it could be related to the keychain. If this last is the case, how can I check this.
Aug ’23
iOS 16 Notifications
When my iPhone 12 Max Pro boots up in iOS16, and I do nothing just waiting to introducing my pin/faceID, he starts as expected the notifications. Once they are loaded, the device gives me the wait circle and restarts the process. When I get into the device, via the normal way, I have the same behaviour. The biggest issue is that I can't access the crash reports to see why. I've just added the console and I have the trace of the device, but nothing really seems to tell me what is going wrong. Does any one has a clue to tackle this more in detail or solve, so that I can report this correctly. Greetz., ESO SRL
Jun ’22