




Photogrammetry CLI Tool Error
Hi all, I took bunch of photos using Apple's 'Capture Sample' iOS app. Even though the all images in .HEIC/HEIF file format that CLI tool logs the bunch of the following errors and couldn't find any solution. 1-) HEIF file is expected. 2-) *** Assertion failure in OCReturn OCNonModularSPI_CMPhoto_readResolution(const OCHeicReadHandle, const NSURL *__strong, uint64_t *, uint64_t *)(), CMPhoto+NonModularSPI.m:1271
Mar ’24
Why VisionOS has no MapKit Annotation tapping interaction support?
I'm trying to adapt my current production ready iOS/iPadOS 17 app to visionOS and I'm trying it directly running the app for the Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad) target. I have a bottom sheet to show Map items detail by tapping on the Map Annotations. The bottom sheet is opening properly with a normal Button action but it's not opening by Annotation which wrapped Button action. It pops up as expected on iOS/iPadOS but on VisionOS it doesn't. Annotation("", coordinate: result.coordinate) { Button(action: { ... } ) })
Feb ’24
UIKit Internal bug: Unbalanced call to _endOcclusion, please file a feedback report with any information you have that helps reproduce this bug!
FB13206752 I’m using 2 different bottom sheets that the first one is showing up from my ContentView -> LocationRequestIsOnView -> ItemInfoView. LocationRequestIsOnView has a MapKit for showing Annotations of Point Of Interests. When the user tap on an Annotation ItemInfoView pops-up as a bottom sheet to be able to show details of the selected POI. The problem is exactly happening in this step. When the bottom sheet pops-up, I’m closing it through close icon button or using .onDisappear changing isShowingBottomSheet flag to false. As bottom sheet closing it’s immediately shows a large white view and then closing. In this point, I’m getting the following warning in Xcode log. UIKit Internal bug: Unbalanced call to _endOcclusion, please file a feedback report with any information you have that helps reproduce this bug! ContentView.swift POIButtons.swift LocationRequestIsOnView.swift ItemInfoView.swift
Sep ’23