Why VisionOS has no MapKit Annotation tapping interaction support?

I'm trying to adapt my current production ready iOS/iPadOS 17 app to visionOS and I'm trying it directly running the app for the Apple Vision Pro (Designed for iPad) target.

I have a bottom sheet to show Map items detail by tapping on the Map Annotations. The bottom sheet is opening properly with a normal Button action but it's not opening by Annotation which wrapped Button action. It pops up as expected on iOS/iPadOS but on VisionOS it doesn't.

Annotation("", coordinate: result.coordinate) {
            Button(action: { ... } )

I'm also dying to know why

When tapping anywhere on a Map view, I get a warning "Trying to convert coordinates between views that are in different UIWindows, which isn't supported. Use convertPoint:fromCoordinateSpace: instead."

I'd guess it's got something to do with that.

Why VisionOS has no MapKit Annotation tapping interaction support?