




Reply to Is there a way to stop Xcode showing historical warnings/errors
I've investigated this issue frequently since it first in Xcode appeared 5 years ago, and the only way I've found to actually fix the issue is to run this in Terminal: rm -rf ${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData That will permanently get rid of the phantom warnings and errors you're seeing. However, you'll have to run this again each time new warnings and errors appear. The other downside is that after deleting the DerivedData folder, you'll have to do a full rebuild of your project, which can be time consuming. The suggested solution, using Product > Clear All Issues, only removes the warnings and errors temporarily. They will usually return the next time you build your project.
May ’24
Reply to VisionOS Set Default Window Size
As of visionOS 1.0 beta 4, even though defaultSize results in a janky resize animation when the app launches, it you force-quit the app by killing it from Terminal and relaunch it from the visionOS home screen ... twice ... then visionOS somehow seems to remember what the window's last runtime default size was and your app's launch window will reflect that size for future runs. This state is lost each time you launch the app from Xcode. I have no idea if apps have this behavior on the device, or what the behavior will be the first time an app is launched after being installed from the App Store. None of Apple's system apps, like Safari or Settings, appear to feature the awkward launch window resize animation problem. It would be nice to know what Apple's plan is for visionOS launch window sizes for third party apps.
Oct ’23