Same issue.
Looks like somehow Touch ID is allowed, while Face ID is not.
You can’t use Face ID in your App Clip because the NSFaceIDUsageDescription entitlement isn’t available to App Clips. However, you can use the Local Authentication framework to authenticate users with Touch ID.
Seeing this crash too. I believe it's been around since the first release of M1 Macs. Confirming also that workaround of using "itms-apps://*****" works.
But why isn't Notification.Name Sendable?
public struct Name : Hashable, Equatable, RawRepresentable, @unchecked Sendable {
public init(_ rawValue: String)
public init(rawValue: String)
Thanks @eskimo. I think I was confused why this code required await when turning on the Swift 6 extra concurrency warning/errors setting.
self.applicationDidBecomeActiveSubscriber = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification).sink() { [weak self] _ in
In particular, it's surprising that UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification required @MainActor since this is essentially a constant string. It seems that because UIApplication requires @MainActor, referencing these class level properties bears the same obligation.
In my particular case, this forces this code block into a Task{} because I don't want the enclosing function to be async. Which then means that it skips a run-loop execution cycle, causing me not to actually receive the didBecomeActive notification. (Note, this is just one example. I'm using several such notifications for a few different reasons).
The mitigation appears to be to create my own clones of the UIApplication.didDoX Notification.Name constants just to get around this - which of course seems pretty undesirable.
Not fixed in Xcode 16 beta 1
Submitted bug report: FB13946094
FYI: Also posted question to Stack Overflow here:
Thanks. Glad to know that a solution is on the way. FWIW, I tried to use the suggested workaround and got the following compile errors:
"Variable with getter/setter cannot have an initial value" (for setting isLoggedIn to false). I can remove this initialization. But then I get this error:
"Cannot declare entity named '$isLoggedIn'; the '$' prefix is reserved for implicitly-synthesized declarations" (for the static non isolated(safe)... expression)
For me, it's fine to disable this code until a fix is ready. So not particularly concerned about getting workarounds to resolve.
Fixed in Xcode 16.0 beta 3 (16A5202i).
Thank you
Not fixed in Xcode 16 beta 3