This is actually a really good solution. It worked great! Thanks. :)
This solved it for me.
I turned off NordVPN on my iPhone and then it connected. Once it was connected, I was able to turn on NordVPN again without any issues. I was connected via USB cable.
Is TestFlight a sandbox environment? If not, then it doesn't solve my problem.
I thought I took a thorough look at promo codes but perhaps they will solve my problem. It's not clear from the documentation how the promo code is redeemed in-app. Which APIs to use? Can I create my own UI to present to the user?
I used `AppStore.presentOfferCodeRedeemSheet(in:) in debug, entered two promo codes I created but neither worked. It says "Cannot Redeem Code: The code you entered could not be found."
Yeah AppStore.presentOfferCodeRedeemSheet() does not solve my problem. As I originally thought, it only applies to subscriptions not consumables.
Also, TestFlight will solve my issue in the short-term while I am testing but it doesn't solve things when I actually want to give users free consumable in-app purchases.
Thank you. You made it so simple.