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I have a macOS audio editing app in development and when the composition is played but the user does not interact, the screen will dim and then turn off after the number of minutes selected in System Settings. This is not desirable. Is there any programmatic way to disable this while doing a particular operation or do I have to fake it by drawing something invisible on the screen on a timer while playback is in progress?
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I'm definitely building with dSYM because I see the folder in the archive and when I submit to App Store, the option to upload symbols is checked. But when I look at the build in ITC, it saysIncludes Symbols: NoWhat am I missing?
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I'm selling consumable products and using Apple's servers for receipt validation via a call from the app to my server.Twice in past 24 hours, a situation has occurred where the transaction state has updated to SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased causing the receipt to be sent for validation. However when the response comes back from Apple's server, "body.receipt.in_app" is empty and therefore the purchased product is not added to the user's account.One of these customers told me that the transaction was showing as "Pending" and a few hours later they received an invoice by email. However the app did not fire another purchased transaction state, so I had to add the purchase manually.So some questions:1. Was this unexpected behaviour and likely to be a rare and temporary IAP processing problem?2. If not, why is the state changing to SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased if the payment didn't actually complete and is pending?3. Currently the app is calling finishTransaction when a response is received from my server, but this is NOT dependent on the presence of any inapp purchases in the decoded receipt. I'm thinking that this could be a problem. If the transaction state has not actually completed, is calling finishTransaction going to block any further state changes from being sent to the app, even when that state change is a critically important one when the payment HAS actually been processed and the purchased product should be added to the user's account?
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The most recent date I can view for units or sales is 2 days ago. I don't get it. You have the realtime data, why isn't this available to developers?PayPal can do it. Stripe can do it. Why is Apple unable to do it?
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Is it intentional that the main thread checker flags up that any reading of an NSView's bounds or frame properties? Obviously if setting those properties then it should be done on the main thread but I'm struggling to see why reading them should create a warning.Happy to be enlightened..!
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I have a product that was previously on the MAS until June 2019 without IAPs.Last week I submitted a new version and attached 3 new IAPs to it. The binary was rejected on review. I've now uploaded a new binary and attached it to that new version. The status of the version is now "Prepare for submission".After the binary rejection, the 3 IAPs were confusingly showing as needing "developer attention" and after making a fake change to the description and changing back again are now showing as "waiting for review".However, there is no longer any IAP section on the version page as there was on the first submission. So should I just assume that these IAPs are attached to the new version? Developer support are unable to tell me that they are and only see the same information I'm seeing in App Store Connect! I'm loathe to submit the binary for review without knowing for sure.My hunch is that the IAPs ARE attached to the version and this is a result of poor design of App Store Connect for the case where the binary is rejected on first submission of IAPs. Anyone else been in this situation?
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I've been doing audio production for 25+ years and development for 15 years but AUDynamicsProcessor has me baffled. I want to add a hard compessor to crunch down peaks. So I set threshold to -3dB and headroom to 2dB. Attack time is set to 1ms. Source audio is peaking at +2.5dBBut the settings above have absolutely zero effect. Peaks are still above 0dB. I have to actually set the threshold to -13dB to get peaks below 0dB. Why?
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I'm having no luck trying to get scheduleParameterBlock working on the gain of first input AVAudioEngine main mixer node. It just doesn't do anything. Am I missing something here?// CLASS VARS var inputGain : AUParameter? var mixerParameterBlock : AUScheduleParameterBlock? let rampTime :AUAudioFrameCount = AUAudioFrameCount(10 * 44100) // ramp over 10 seconds // IN PLAY FUNCTION // set gain on input of mixer which will be the first parameter in the tree let parameterTree = engine.mainMixerNode.auAudioUnit.parameterTree inputGain = (parameterTree?.parameter(withAddress: 0x2000000000000000))! // set initial gain to 1.0 inputGain!.value = 1.0 // reduces gain after 1 second delay // THIS WORKS delay(1.0) { print("reducing gain to 0.5") self.inputGain!.value = 0.5 } if (inputGain?.flags.contains(.flag_CanRamp))! { // inputGain says it is rampable print("inputGain parameter is rampable") } mixerParameterBlock = engine.mainMixerNode.auAudioUnit.scheduleParameterBlock // THIS DOES NOT WORK mixerParameterBlock!(AUEventSampleTimeImmediate, rampTime, inputGain!.address, 0.0) player?.play() player?.scheduleFile(audioFile, at: nil)
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I'm very confused by how these menus are designed to work with an NSTextView. I can't find any docs on the subject.I'm specifically talking about the "Check Spelling While Typing" and "Correct Spelling Automatically" menus.Some puzzles:On app launch, "Spelling and Grammar > Correct Spelling Automatically" seems to take its value from System Preferences > Keyboard > Text > Correct Spelling Automatically. But changing it in the menu does NOT update the value in System Preferences.These settings seem to be unique to each NSTextView, which is odd, rather than being across all NSTextViews in the app. So due to 1. this is a problem because the options get reset when the user moves to another NSTextView! Not a great user experience.
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The docs on AVAudioInputNode say:The format of the output scope is initially the same as that of the input, but you may set it to a different format, which will convert the node. For more information, see AVAudioIONode.But if you connect an inputNode to a mixer and override the format to a different sample rate then it will fail. So is this expected behaviour or are the docs not detailed enough? Changing only the number of channels, does not fail for instance. I know you can insert a mixer to convert sample rate.
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