So - I'm trying to add the device capability requirement
which seems to map to exactly the capabilities I actually need, which is "supports avcapturemulticamsession"
but I just get this error when trying to validate:
App Store Connect Operation Error
This bundle is invalid. The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities contains value 'iphone-ipad-minimum-performance-a12' which is incompatible with the MinimumOSVersion value of '13.5'.
What am I doing wrong?
Trying to capture a photo from two cameras at the same time. If I do camera1.capturePhoto, then camera2.capturePhoto - it works fine, but there's a full second or so gap between the two captures. Oddly enough this gap gets shorter as you take more photos.
If I instead do a before each capturephoto - then there's no gap, but one of the captures doesn't work.
Is it possible to capture two images from two cameras at the same time?
Does apple expose any apis to manipulate a Memoji programatically? I find Apple's way of creating memojis extremely unpleasant to use - and would like to create an alternative.
So I'd essentially be looking at some way of listing the parameters available (eye colour, hair style etc) - listing the set of choices for each parameter, and producing a Memoji from a set of parameters. (And for extra credit, taking a picture of said memoji, or reading an existing emoji as a set of parameters).