




Hidden fields / annotations aren't hidden
I'm using PDFKit to show a PDF which contains some hidden fields. Unfortunately, PDFKit seems to ignore that property, annotation.shouldDisplay is always YES. I have to set shouldDisplay by my own depending on the annotation's internal flags: // see Chapter 8.4.2 Annotation Flags in PDF Reference for PDF 1.7 // static const NSUInteger PDFAnnotationFlagInvisible = 1; static const NSUInteger PDFAnnotationFlagHidden = 1 << 1; // ... for (PDFAnnotation* annotation in page.annotations) { id value = [annotation valueForAnnotationKey:PDFAnnotationKeyFlags]; if (value != nil) { NSInteger annotationFlags = [value integerValue]; if (annotationFlags & (PDFAnnotationFlagInvisible | PDFAnnotationFlagHidden)) { annotation.shouldDisplay = NO; } } } It doesn't feel right that this snippet is needed. So is this a bug / known issue in PDFKit or is my PDF somehow "wrong".
Jul ’23
Memory Leak caused by VNDocumentViewController
I'm using VNDocumentViewController to scan some documents which is working fine. But not infrequently, the app becomes slow after dismissing the VNDocumentViewController. There is no VNDocumentViewController instance allocated, but according to the allocations gathered by instruments, there is a ICDocCamViewController still living and using between 200 and 300 MB. I guess that ICDocCamViewController is an internal component of VNDocumentViewController. Are there any known issues? Unfortunately, I do not see any way to free ICDocCamViewController. 281.37 MB 93.1% 104708 start_wqthread 281.37 MB 93.1% 104708 _pthread_wqthread 256.04 MB 84.7% 42747 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread 256.03 MB 84.7% 42564 _dispatch_lane_invoke 256.03 MB 84.7% 42564 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain 249.91 MB 82.7% 22258 _dispatch_client_callout 237.01 MB 78.4% 8562 _dispatch_call_block_and_release 236.50 MB 78.3% 3836 __77-[ICDocCamViewController saveCapturedImage:metaData:rects:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_3 236.50 MB 78.3% 3836 -[ICDocCamViewController cropAndFilterImage:rects:filterType:] 236.49 MB 78.3% 3678 +[ICDocCamImageFilters filteredImage:orientation:imageFilterType:] 236.49 MB 78.3% 3678 +[ICDocCamImageFilters colorDocument:orientation:] 236.47 MB 78.3% 3476 -[CIContext(createCGImage) createCGImage:fromRect:] 236.47 MB 78.3% 3476 -[CIContext(_createCGImageInternal) _createCGImage:fromRect:format:premultiplied:colorSpace:deferred:renderCallback:] 236.40 MB 78.2% 2096 -[CIContext(CIRenderDestination) startTaskToRender:fromRect:toDestination:atPoint:error:] 236.40 MB 78.2% 2096 -[CIContext(CIRenderDestination) _startTaskToRender:toDestination:forPrepareRender:forClear:error:] 236.40 MB 78.2% 2096 CI::RenderToBitmap::render(CI::Image*, CI::Context*) const 236.40 MB 78.2% 2096 CI::image_get_bitmap(CI::Context*, CI::Image*, CGRect, CGColorSpace*, CI::Bitmap*, CI::RenderDestination const*) 236.33 MB 78.2% 716 CI::tile_node_graph(CI::Context*, CI::RenderDestination const*, char const*, CI::Node*, CGRect const&, CI::PixelFormat, CI::swizzle_info const&, CI::TileTask* (CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect) block_pointer) 236.33 MB 78.2% 716 CI::recursive_tile(CI::RenderTask*, CI::Context*, CI::RenderDestination const*, char const*, CI::Node*, CGRect const&, CI::PixelFormat, CI::swizzle_info const&, CI::TileTask* (CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect) block_pointer) 236.26 MB 78.2% 212 invocation function for block in CI::image_get_bitmap(CI::Context*, CI::Image*, CGRect, CGColorSpace*, CI::Bitmap*, CI::RenderDestination const*) 236.26 MB 78.2% 212 CI::Context::render(CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&) 236.26 MB 78.2% 212 CI::Context::recursive_render(CI::TileTask*, CI::roiKey const&, CI::Node*, bool) 236.26 MB 78.2% 211 CI::Context::recursive_render(CI::TileTask*, CI::roiKey const&, CI::Node*, bool) 236.24 MB 78.2% 196 CI::Context::recursive_render(CI::TileTask*, CI::roiKey const&, CI::Node*, bool) 236.23 MB 78.2% 181 CI::Context::recursive_render(CI::TileTask*, CI::roiKey const&, CI::Node*, bool) 236.21 MB 78.2% 166 CI::Context::recursive_render(CI::TileTask*, CI::roiKey const&, CI::Node*, bool) 236.19 MB 78.2% 151 CI::Context::recursive_render(CI::TileTask*, CI::roiKey const&, CI::Node*, bool) 17.02 KB 0.0% 14 CI::MetalTextureManager::create_intermediate(CI::IntermediateDescriptor const&, unsigned long long, CGRect const&, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool) 128 Bytes 0.0% 1 CI::MetalContext::render_intermediate_node(CI::TileTask*, CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&, CI::intermediate_t*, bool, void () block_pointer) 17.02 KB 0.0% 14 CI::MetalTextureManager::create_intermediate(CI::IntermediateDescriptor const&, unsigned long long, CGRect const&, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool) 128 Bytes 0.0% 1 CI::MetalContext::render_intermediate_node(CI::TileTask*, CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&, CI::intermediate_t*, bool, void () block_pointer) 17.02 KB 0.0% 14 CI::MetalTextureManager::create_intermediate(CI::IntermediateDescriptor const&, unsigned long long, CGRect const&, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool) 128 Bytes 0.0% 1 CI::MetalContext::render_intermediate_node(CI::TileTask*, CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&, CI::intermediate_t*, bool, void () block_pointer) 17.02 KB 0.0% 14 CI::MetalTextureManager::create_intermediate(CI::IntermediateDescriptor const&, unsigned long long, CGRect const&, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool) 128 Bytes 0.0% 1 CI::MetalContext::render_intermediate_node(CI::TileTask*, CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&, CI::intermediate_t*, bool, void () block_pointer) 128 Bytes 0.0% 1 CI::MetalContext::render_root_node(CI::TileTask*, CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect const&, void () block_pointer, void () block_pointer) 69.00 KB 0.0% 504 CI::gather_rois_for_program_graph(CI::Context*, char const*, CI::ProgramNode*, CGRect) 71.72 KB 0.0% 1380 CI::prepare_initial_graph(CI::Context*, char const*, CI::Image*, CI::RenderDestination const*, CGRect, CGColorSpace*, CI::PixelFormat, CI::swizzle_info, CI::Affine const&, bool, CI::TextureDescriptor*) 71.72 KB 0.0% 1380 CI::prepare_initial_graph(CI::Context*, char const*, CI::Image*, CI::RenderDestination const*, CGRect, CGColorSpace*, CI::PixelFormat, CI::swizzle_info, CI::Affine const&, bool, CI::TextureDescriptor*) 18.34 KB 0.0% 202 -[CIPaperWash outputImage]
May ’23
Can't access address book in MFMailComposeViewController on a managed device
I'm using an app on a MDM device (MobileIron) which uses MFMailComposeViewController. Unfortunateley, the contact picker does not have access to the address books, esp. the global address book (AD). The picker has only access to the contacts provided by Siri from the indexed mail app. According to my collegues managing the MDM, the app should have access to the addressbook, as the app itself has the status "managed". Therefore: Is there a missing configuration or a bug?
Jan ’23