




General > Login Items > Allow in Background (User visible item names) in Ventura
In the latest beta of Ventura (and perhaps earlier versions) there is a section of the System Settings > General > Login Items pane called "Allow in Background". It appears that helpers (LaunchAgents/LaunchDaemons) that are installed by apps are listed here. As you can see in the screenshot below, I have 3 such items installed on my test system. The per User LaunchAgent for the Google Updater, the WireShark LaunchDaemon for the ChmodBPF script, and the LaunchDaemon for my userspace CoreAudio Driver (labelled "Metric Halo Distribution, Inc."). The WireShark and Google Updater have nice user identifiable names associated with them, whereas my Launch Daemon only has my company name associated with it. I don't see anything in the plists for Wireshark or GoogleUpdater that seem to specify this user-visible string, nor in the bundles the plists point to. How do I go about annotating my LaunchDaemon plist or the helper tool's plist so that the string in this pane helps the user properly identify what this Background item is for so that they don't accidentally turn it off and disable the driver they need to use our audio hardware? Obviously, we will document this, but just as obviously users don't always read the docs, and it would be better if the user just could make the immediate association that this Background item is needed for our CoreAudio driver.
Aug ’22
Is there a way to get Xcode 13 to show file extensions in the Project Navigator?
Is there a way to get Xcode 13 to show file extensions in the Project Navigator? Actually in all the places that Filenames are shown in the UI (window title, pane bar, navigators)? Xcode 13 is hiding the extensions; for C++; Obj-C, and dext projects, that is very confusing because the extension is the only thing that distinguishes between multiple files with the same base name. Is there a hidden preference available to restore the old behavior?
Jun ’21