Hello, we started seeing this issue also today (suddenly).
Not sure yet why this suddenly came up
@darkpaw I created FB11844108 and added two crash-reports to it. Hope this help.
Thanks, Andy
Hello @darkpaw,
we started observing an increase in crashes on October 24th, 2022 - this was the day when iOS16.1 was released.
We see few pattern:
it's crashing only on iOS16.1 and later
it's crashing on already released versions, that worked before without crashes
it's crashing not only in our code (where we deserialise JSON via Decodable), but also in 3rd-party-libraries (Lottie (https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios/issues/1826), App-Auth (https://github.com/openid/AppAuth-iOS/issues/737))
in all of these crashes we can see either JSONDecoder (via Lottie) or NSJSONReader (via App-Auth), which somehow points to JSON-decoding in such cases
Do you know if anything related to that has changed in iOS16.1, which would explain such crashes suddenly?
Checking for kDNSServiceErr_PolicyDenied works for us now and we can detect if local network privacy permission has not been granted by the user. I will close this issue.
However I have a follow up question regarding the initial value .ready for NWBrowser.State:
Hi, the system-alert (popup) is displayed by iOS. If you don't see this dialog in your app, I assume that the new "local network permission" is not required for your implementation.
NEHotspotConfiguration shows anyways its own dialog before connecting to the SSID.
Only if you would send requests to a local-IP on this SSID, the system-alert would show up.
Hi everyone,
I just tested with iOS 14.2 Beta and can confirm, that the translated string for NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription (from InfoPlist.strings) is used in the system alert. Now it works like expected.
Thanks, Andy
Hi Quinn,
I just tested with iOS 14.2 Beta and can confirm, that the translated string for NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription (from InfoPlist.strings) is used in the system alert. Now it works like expected.
Thanks, Andy
Hey Eskimo,
I have also reported this in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/655375 with FB8128316
Another user (marksands2) created FB8595441
Thanks, Andy
we receive the same warning today:
ITMS-90726: Disallowed frameworks - Your app submission contains usages of the restricted framework libswiftXCTest.dylib. Remove these, rebuild and resubmit.
also on
Xcode: 11.6
Deployment target: 11.0
What is the reason for this message and how can it be solved?
Hello, I tried to provide NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription already in Xcode11.6 and it was displayed by iOS14.
Thanks for sharing - we have the very similar use-case (scan for available hardware which might not be available) and we also worry to handle this properly with the given API. Not having a proper API will just lead to possible obsolete hints in which we link to the settings...
I think it would at least be helpful to receive a call to
but of course anything we can actively retrieve similar like CLAuthorizationStatus (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/clauthorizationstatus) would give us the ability to provide best user experience.
I have also created a topic in Feedback Assistant: FB7867125
Hello Frameworks Engineer ,
thanks for your response.
This is very critical for us. We are currently thinking about to which user action we can bind the Bonjour browse. Currently we browse at launch to know if the user has our appliances within the local network so we can directly connect. As fallback we would connect via cloud. But we always prefer local connection over cloud connection. This is better in terms of latency but also regarding privacy of the user. We can only detect this with Bonjour browse.
Otherwise we would need to make assumptions based on wifi SSID (for which we need the location permission).
If I understood correctly the Bonjour browse will not return anything if the user has not granted access to the local network? For our App it would look like there are none of our appliances around to connected locally to. We could not distinguish it from a "real out house" scenario and would always connect via cloud.
We would like to detect if the user has given or denied access to local network and have a possibility to give our users some context why some functionality is not working at all (our wifi setup and appliance pairing) or working worse than before (connecting via cloud to a local appliance and thus suffering from higher latency).