




CoreML model prediction on image recognition only working on iPhone 11 and 12 models
I created an image recognition .mlmodel file in the Create ML app. I am now using it in an iOS app. It works great on iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 (and the corresponding models) but not on iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. There are likely other models it does not work on but those are the ones I can confirm so far. The code I am using is: do {     let prediction = try self.model.prediction(image: pixelBuffer!) } catch { print("\(error)") } On the models where this does not work, the error printed in the console is: Error Code=1 "Predicted feature named 'classLabel' was not output by pipeline" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Predicted feature named 'classLabel' was not output by pipeline} Due to the lack of documentation on CoreML I could not find a solid trace on this error. There are some random posts on Stack Overflow and there's also Git issues on the Turicreate Github (the underlying Python library which Core ML runs) but nothing that seems to give direct answers to this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Apr ’21
21007 Status Code being returned by Sandbox Verify Receipt Endpoint
We have an issue with validating in-app purchases which just seemed to start occurring today. When you send a sandbox receipt to the production endpoint (, it returns the status code 21007 with the message. This receipt is from the test environment, but it was sent to the production environment for verification. This is documented here: It is then advised to attempt this receipt on the sandbox endpoint ( due to the status code returned. We have used this successfully for about a year now. We check the status code and if it is 21007, we then try the sandbox endpoint. As of today, we started seeing that the sandbox endpoint is returning a 21007 status code which does not make sense and threw our API into a recursive loop since it kept seeing that status and kept trying the sandbox endpoint. This status code is clearly wrong as it was not 'sent to the production environment' in these cases and this status code has never been returned in the past from the sandbox endpoint. Is this a bug introduced by Apple as of today or has something changed that I have not seen the documentation for?
Mar ’21
AudioToolback Crash Introduced with iOS 14.2
We are experiencing a very consistent crash in our app that was introduced with iOS 14.2. We are using Crashlytics to track crashes and can confirm 100% of these new crashes are on 14.2 and above. We have also been able to recreate on 14.2 and the current second beta release of 14.3 We cannot recreate it on 14.1. Also, these features have been live for quite a while and no changes have been made to the features themselves in the last several iOS major/minor versions. The specific error is: error: memory read failed for 0x0: (20): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0) The gist of the crash: • We have a playback/recording mechanism in our application. This can either be playing back a single audio track or playing back multiple tracks at once. • This only happens when we have audio effects enabled on the tracks (i.e. reverb, compression, etc.). We are using the AVAudioUnitEffect library to implement the audio effects on the tracks being played back. • This happens when we manipulate settings on the effects and then try to do another action afterwards. __ I cannot find any documentation on AUScheduledParameterRefresher. I have also extended the scope of my search in XCode to include the entire 14.2 SDK but there's no reference to it in there as well. I'm having trouble getting any deeper into this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! _ For reference, here is a stack trace from Crashlytics on the thread where the crash occurs: Crashed: EXCBADACCESS KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE 0x00000001dd778040 0 ??? 0x1dd778040 (Missing) 1 AudioToolboxCore 0x196846638 AudioUnitGetParameter + 52 2 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967d8200 43-[AUAudioUnitV2Bridge createParameterTree]blockinvoke.125 + 112 3 AudioToolboxCore 0x196788284 -[AUParameter internalValue] + 252 4 AudioToolboxCore 0x19678ba28 20-[AUParameter value]blockinvoke + 32 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x186bce280 dispatchclientcallout + 16 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x186bb10ec dispatchlanebarriersyncinvokeandcomplete + 56 7 AudioToolboxCore 0x196788408 -[AUParameter value] + 244 8 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967daea0 parameterNodesEqual(AUParameterNode*, AUParameterNode*, std::1::vector<unsigned long long, std::1::allocator<unsigned long long> >&) + 1180 9 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967dac94 parameterNodesEqual(AUParameterNode*, AUParameterNode*, std::1::vector<unsigned long long, std::1::allocator<unsigned long long> >&) + 656 10 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967dac94 parameterNodesEqual(AUParameterNode*, AUParameterNode*, std::1::vector<unsigned long long, std::1::allocator<unsigned long long> >&) + 656 11 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967da9dc invocation function for block in void applesauce::dispatch::v1::syncimpl<-[AUAudioUnitV2Bridge buildNewParameterTree]::$0>(NSObject<OSdispatchqueue>*, -[AUAudioUnitV2Bridge buildNewParameterTree]::$0&&, std::_1::integralconstant<bool, true>) + 104 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x186bce280 dispatchclientcallout + 16 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x186bb10ec dispatchlanebarriersyncinvokeandcomplete + 56 14 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967d4034 -[AUAudioUnitV2Bridge buildNewParameterTree] + 140 15 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967d4238 -[AUAudioUnitV2Bridge invalidateParameterTree:] + 124 16 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967da820 caulk::concurrent::details::messagecall<ParameterListPropertyListener(void*, OpaqueAudioComponentInstance*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)::$5>::perform() + 52 17 AudioToolboxCore 0x1967da7bc caulk::concurrent::details::rtmessagecall<ParameterListPropertyListener(void*, OpaqueAudioComponentInstance*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)::$5>::perform() + 24 18 caulk 0x1c89c2280 caulk::concurrent::details::messengerservicer::checkdequeue() + 104 19 caulk 0x1c89c1f34 caulk::concurrent::details::workerthread::run() + 56 20 caulk 0x1c89c20bc void* caulk::threadproxy<std::1::tuple<caulk::thread::attributes, void (caulk::concurrent::details::workerthread::*)(), std::1::tuple<caulk::concurrent::details::workerthread*> > >(void*) + 56 21 libsystempthread.dylib 0x1cd5a0b3c pthreadstart + 288 22 libsystempthread.dylib 0x1cd5a5880 threadstart + 8`
Dec ’20