




Reply to How to test Universal Links before releasing app?
Hey Kazuaki, I built this free tool to help developers test their AASA file more easily. It was actually recently featured by iOS Dev Weekly. Here's an example: You just enter your domain name on the site and it'll grab the AASA file from your domain and Apple's CDN so you can compare behavior across both. Plus, it gives you an easy dashboard for creating test links and verifying behavior. Hope this helps!
Jun ’24
Reply to how to test Universal Links with a "staging" server
It's not a complete solution to your problem, but it should help move things in the right direction: I saw this website featured recently in iOS Dev Weekly that helps you test your AASA file. You just provide it your domain name and it'll grab the AASA file from their and Apple's CDN so you can test an update or the current version of the file indexed by Apple. For example, gives you dashboard for testing all of Facebook's universal links.
Jun ’24
Reply to AppleGlot (Glossary) Usage / Terms of Service (ToS) Question
I understand that AppleGlot isn't an ideal solution. It was just meant to be a starting point for my project and isn't intended to be a long term solution. I was just wondering if my project were to absorb the translations provided in AppleGlot and potentially serve those translations to other developers in a more user-friendly way, would I be breaching some usage / terms of service guidelines. Is there a way I could escalate the ticket to someone that might be able to answer the legality aspect?
Sep ’20