First I was confused as well, but your own comment @Mcorey and looking at the example code helped me to figure it out.
As you’ve said you basically have to omit the @Relationship in one of the entities and replace it with a simple variable in the other one.
Example Code
Main Entity:
final public class MainItem {
var title: String
@Relationship(inverse: \ChildItem.item)
var childs: [ChildItem]?
Child Entity:
final public class ChildItem {
var timestamp: Date
// Add inverse as a simple variable
var item: ChildItem?
Seems like the Framework isn’t included in beta 1 and will be available at a later point:
Hi there!
Apple’s App Store Connect Help states the following for App Units:
App Units
The number of first time purchases of your app made on the App Store on devices running macOS 10.14.1, iOS 8, or tvOS 9, or later. An app unit is counted when a customer taps the ‘Get’ or ‘Price’ button for the first time.
App updates, downloads from the same Apple ID onto other devices, and redownloads to the same device are not counted. Family Sharing downloads are included for free apps, but not for paid apps.
If users already bought or downloaded the app for free, they get tagged as “Installations” when they redownload the app.
We once tested this for a campaign with friends who didn’t bought the app yet. As expected exactly after the 5 purchases (aka App Units) the campaign appeared in ASC.
The answer is a little late, but maybe it helps someone.
– Alex