I was expecting App Store Connect to automatically determine this from the app's info.plist (General -> Supported Destinations).
@tomasmcguinness I've noticed that the floor identifiers from input CapturedRoom(s) do not stay the same in the merged CapturedStructure. However, other identifiers such as walls, windows, doors, openings, and objects do stay the same. So it should be possible to devise an algorithm which keys off of those items to track external data associations across the CapturedRooms->CapturedStructure merge.
I suppose the reason why room and floor IDs don't remain the same is that there's a chance that multiple CapturedRooms may be merged into a single room in the resulting CapturedStucture. This means there isn't necessarily a 1:1 mapping of CapturedRooms to rooms in the output CapturedStructure. This adds a little twist to the data tracking algorithm.
The most likely possibilities: 1) there's another app with the same name that hasn't been published to the App Store yet, such as still in development OR 2) An app with that name has been removed from sale (i.e., removed from the App Store, voluntarily or involuntarily) but is still in the publisher's account.
These links appear to be working now, but I can't find a complete sample project that scans multiple rooms in a single AR session, beyond the code snippets provided in the presentation. I'm guessing that exercise was left for the student, but still it would have been nice to include multi-room scanning in the sample. The mergingmultiplescansintoasinglestructure sample only processes model files that are presumed to all have been captured in a single session. Or am I missing something?