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I try to test SKAdNetwork - postbacks. To do not wait for postback 24 hours +, I use a profile SetInstallAttributionPingbackDelay.mobileconfig that reduces the rate of postback window, downloaded from here: This profile works properly for SKAdNetwork v1.0 , I see the postbacks come after 5-10 min. However, when I test v2.0 for iOS 14, in console I see the following error log: [SKAdNetwork: App: <private> did not match source app adam id: (null) error 12:02:52.711466+0300 appstored And no postback happens. As you know the difference between v1.0 and v2.0 is two new fields Apple added: SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceAppStoreIdentifier, SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkVersion Seems like adam id is a source app id, a.e SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceAppStoreIdentifier Any advice?
by af-fess.
Last updated
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From SKAdNetwork DOC - source-app-id ... Note: The source-app-id appears only if providing the parameter meets Apple’s privacy threshold. conversion-value ... Note: The conversion-value only appears if the installed app provides it, and if providing the parameter meets Apple’s privacy threshold. Problems: We get daily ~450 postbacks from the publisher with the same campaign-id but without source-app-id and conversion-value fields. We get daily 4K postbacks from the same publisher. Again, we miss source-app-id and conversion-value fields. We expect conversion-value 0 or 1. {  "campaign-id": 25,  "rcv-ts": "2021-01-19 00:25:33",  "version": "2.0",  "attribution-signature": "AAAAAAvIWN+UO1Z1qtCXEnOAJ5HbR9HNI4/rFQCGQCZY8IRah2LexFxr6bFGm5IXB6ae3+dggw=",  "redownload": false,  "transaction-id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",  "ad-network-id": "aaaaaaaaa.skadnetwork",  "app-id": 123456789 } Looks like 4K postbacks are not enough to pass the threshold. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
by af-fess.
Last updated
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3 Replies
Regards to this DOC - for ios14 the isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled It is deprecated. I believe it comes from ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization feature. Now, this pop up is optional till Q1 2021 and since Apple delayed the enforcement, the isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled functionality should be rolled back. Any ideas?
by af-fess.
Last updated