




Reply to Different App Names
In App Store Connect, App Information > Localizable Information > Name is the longer one. Developers do that to include keywords in the title hoping for good ASO. The one that the users see when using the app is set and localizable in Xcode. Find the target in the project view then edit General > Display name field. If you are using string catalogs, add InfoPlist.xcstrings file to your target. It will have CFBundleDisplayName key so that you can translate this name.
Reply to One-time purchase with free trial
Hello @App Store Commerce Engineer , check if that trial is active or not How can we get the date of the original purchase unaffected by refunds? A Product has two properties that returns VerificationResult<Transaction>?: latestTransaction and currentEntitlement. Testing it in Xcode, when I refund the free-trial non-consumable product and purchase it again, both of these properties' originalPurchaseDate and originalID refer to the latest purchase, not the original transaction that was refunded. let latestTransactionVerificationResult = await freeTrialProduct.latestTransaction switch latestTransactionVerificationResult { case .verified(let signedType): // check whether originalPurchaseDate is within the free trial period let originalPurchaseDate = signedType.originalPurchaseDate // returns the latest active one, not the original refunded one logger.debug("freeTrial originalID: \(signedType.originalID)") logger.debug("freeTrial originalPurchaseDate: \(signedType.originalPurchaseDate)") logger.debug("freeTrial purchaseDate: \(signedType.purchaseDate)") logger.debug("freeTrial signedDate: \(signedType.signedDate)") //... }
Apr ’24
Reply to String catalogs from a Swift package Not loaded
You are right! I just added one text view to the app's target and now it works. I don't put any new view or logic in my app target files normally. Everything is in the Swift libraries. I'll file a feedback to be able to do that with localization. The repo is updated:
Mar ’24