




Issue with CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert on macOS BigSur
I am intending to show an alert message in macOS through a C++ based application. I am using CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert for the same. Below is the piece of code that I have used to display the alert window which I have written in the .mm file: CFOptionFlags cfRes; CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0, kCFUserNotificationCautionAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, CFSTR("Message Header"), CFSTR("Message Body"), CFSTR("Ok"), NULL, NULL, &cfRes); The above works fine on Catalina but does not show the alert window in BigSur. Is there anything I am missing ?
Jun ’21
CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert not showing alert window in macOS BigSur
I am intending to show an alert message in macOS through a C++ based application. I am using CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert for the same. Below is the piece of code that I have used to display the alert window which I have written in the .mm file: CFOptionFlags cfRes; CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0, kCFUserNotificationCautionAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, CFSTR("Message Header"), CFSTR("Message Body"), CFSTR("Ok"), NULL, NULL, &cfRes); The above works fine on Catalina but does not show the alert window in BigSur. Is there anything I am missing ?
Jun ’21
'open -ja <app_name>' command not launching the application as hidden
There is an 'open' command in mac with some options as: -g  Do not bring the application to the foreground. -j  Launches the app hidden. While it claims to launch the application hidden and/or in the background – it always seems to behave the same way.  Is there some ‘input’ the application is supposed to receive and behave suitably (that is, not show a UI if it is opened in such a mode)?  How do I access this intent of the user? Thanks !
May ’21
Launching the application as a daemon
I am writing an application which is capable of running as a regular application – with a GUI, AND as a ‘daemon’ – servicing other GUI based applets. The user is expected to decide in which mode they want to run the application. The questions are: Can this be done? On Windows, I am able to do this by allowing user to ‘install as a service’ and I can programmatically check if the application HAS been started as a service or not – and take the appropriate code path. What is the equivalent in MacOS? On startup, how do I check if the application is being launched in regular mode, or launched as a daemon What are the system interactions which I need to specifically hook into if it is launched as a daemon.
May ’21
Running an application as a Daemon
I am building a macOS application and would like to check if the application is running in the background or not. Was referring documentation for the same and found few links under 'Archives'. Below is the document I could get: Is there some latest documentation available on this subject ? Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
May ’21
Is using dlopen()/dlsym() allowed in iOS Projects ?
Hi,If I have dynamic libraries like testlib.dylib, and I use it in my C++ code using dlopen(), dysym() etc, will it be allowed? This C++ code would be accessed via an Objective-C bridge from Swift. I read somewhere that if any app uses these in their code, it would be allowed to be pushlished on App Store, hence wanted to check the same.Regards,Abhishek
Mar ’20