




Offer codes not working in live appstore app when entering with presentCodeRedemptionSheet()
When calling the SKPaymentQueue.default().presentCodeRedemptionSheet() method on live appstore app it will present redemption sheet and after entering the promo code in it is displaying 'Cannot connect' screen as seen in attached picture and this is after entering the offer code. instead of showing me code benefits associated with subscription plan it is displaying 'Cannot connect' screen . What could be the reason for this and what solutions can be found to solve the problem? please some one help it is really frustrating.
Jun ’22
App is in "Pending Developer Release" mode how do i test in app purchase and subscription?
hi all, App is in "Pending Developer Release" mode how do i test in-app purchase and subscription?. my fear is that if it wont work than it would be a problem. in testflight i could test it with sandbox user but in pending developer release mode before release how could i test it? should i test it with testflight version submitted for release.? but in this tesflight version don't ask for real user in-app purchase thing. it shows same sandbox user and testing mode. my fear is if we release this pending developer release version app will it ask for money from our user? how do i test and convince my business partners that it would ask real money for in app purchase when we release this pending developer release mode.i am new so dont know much i am in doubt too. how do we access this pending developer release app before releasing to world and test it for payment related things and get confirmation to release. please help.
May ’23