




iOS App does not appear in App Store search results
I have an new iOS app called CaptionEdit. I have set a number of different keywords for it in App Store Connect including 'caption photos' and 'add text to photos'. However, if I type either of these these phrases into the iOS App Store search box, my app does not appear in the 150+ results at all, even though the bottom-ranking apps (like mine) have no ratings or reviews. App Store connect indicates that my app has had 29 downloads over the past month and 5 over the past 7 days. Is the absence of my app in search results from a keyword due to apps requiring a minimum number of downloads over an averaging period to even appear in keyword search results? (The app does appear if use the app name as a search term).
Nov ’22
Regular Panel will not close
I have an Objective-C app running on MacOS using XCode 14.1, in which there are 3 levels of form. The Level 2 form is opened from an action with a makeKeyAndFront action from a button. The Level 3 form is a regular panel opened from the level 2 form in a similar way. The level 3 form can be closed normally if no action changes the level 2 form. However, if an image is loaded into an NSImageView control on the level 2 form, the level 3 form can be displayed but cannot be closed by clicking on the red x button which normally performs this function. The level 3 form can be minimised. What do I have to do to allow the level 3 form to be closed in this situation?
Nov ’22
Time Machine Disk does not Mount on 2019 MacBook Pro
I have been using an "Elements SE" 1 Tb USB hard drive for Time Machine backup on a 2012 MacBook Pro running Catalina, where it worked OK. When I plug the drive into a 2019 MacBook Pro running Monterey, Time Machine cannot write to it as it appears as read-only. Whe I try and inspect the disk using Disk Utility it appears as unmounted, and greyed out, and the Mount button is greyed out. First Aid on the disk fails. What do I have to do to make it useable by Time Machine on the 2019 MacBook Pro?
Oct ’22
App Store app not available in your country or region when accessed from Swift
I have a Swift 5.0 iOS app in Xcode 13 targeting iOS 14 where I try to access the Google Photoscan app programmatically using the following code running on an iPhone 8 with iOS 16 let photoScanURLString1 = ""   ! as URL) This takes me to the App Store and shows the message "This app is currently not available in your region or country", which is en-AU, but does not go to the App page and let me download. The same behaviour is observed if I enter the URL photoScanURLString1 into Safari on the iPhone. However, if I click the URL in a mail message I can download the app, and if I search for Google Photoscan in the App Store app I can download it OK. How can I download the app from the App Store programmatically without changing my region in the iPhone settings?
Sep ’22
iOS 16.0 does not allow arbitrary UIPickerView heights
I have a Swift 5 iOS project in XCode 13.4 containing a View Controller with 5 UI PickerView controls, each with height set to 74 using Interface Builder. The view controller is shown as a popover. When I run the project using an iOS 15.5 simulator, the UIPickerViews appear as designed. When I use an iOS 16.0 simulator I see 5 console messages of the form [UIPickerView setFrame:]: invalid size {204,74} pinned to {204,162} and the UIPickerViews are much larger and their arrangement is not as designed. Has iOS 16.0 returned to only allowing a small number of UIPickerView heights rather than allowing an arbitrary height?
Sep ’22
How can I make os_log write to a file on iOS?
I would like to record application log data in a file which iOS users can locate using the Files app and email to me in case of problems. Can I do this using the os_log functionality? The file path is defined as below: let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)         let documentsDirectory = paths[0]         let fileName = "\(Date()) CaptionEdit Logfile.txt"         let logFilePath = (documentsDirectory as NSString).appendingPathComponent(fileName)
Sep ’22
No functions in class called in app developed in Monterey running on Catalina
have an Objective C app originally developed in Xcode 12.3 on Catalina and ported to Xcode 13.4 on Monterey. The minimum OS version is set to 10.12 (Catalina). In the app is a class ImageController defined as below, with a number of functions ImageController.h #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @class AppDelegate; … @interface ImagesController : NSArrayController {     … - (void)addFileAtIndex:(NSString *)filePath index:(NSUInteger)index; } ImageController.m #import "ImagesController.h" … #import "AppDelegate.h" … @implementation ImagesController - (void)addFileAtIndex:(NSString*)filePath index:(NSUInteger) index{ ... NSMutableArray *filesToAdd = [NSMutableArray array]; [filesToAdd addObject:[CSSImageInfo containerWithPath:filePath]];       NSMutableIndexSet *indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:index];        self insertObjects:filesToAdd atArrangedObjectIndexes:indexSet];        NSInteger selectedIndex = [self selectionIndex]; …     } When the function addFileAtIndex is called (with [imagesController addFileAtIndex:filename index:selectedIndex]; the app running on Monterey it executes normally. When is is called from the app running on Catalina it is never entered. What do I have to do to make the function accessible on Catalina?
Aug ’22
App developed on Monterey crashes on Catalina with incorrect error
I have an Objective-C MacOS app originally developed in Catalina on a 2012 Macbook Pro and recently ported to a 2019 MacBook Pro running Monterey and using Xcode 13.4 in response the App Store no longer accepting apps developed in Xcode 12, which is the newest version supported by Catalina. The app is targeting MacOS 12.0 (Catalina). The app builds and runs OK on Monterey, but when run on Catalina it crashes and the crash log error reason (NSCFConstantString stringByAppendingString:]: nil argument) is incorrect, as diagnosed by a series of log statements. The statement on which it fails is calling setSelectionIndex on an ImagesController class, which uses the NSArrayController interface.
Aug ’22