Same problem here when redeeming on iOS 13. It is not a new app, but an update to an existing app with the status "Pending Developer Release". App supports everything all the way up from iOS 10.
Fortunately it started working regularly again for me. No more error message.
Same here after 21 hours.
Calling Developer Support helped in my case. They got back to me via email saying that they pushed the update into the system. Fours hours later the update was available.
I went to!/topic/SC1104/subtopic/30033/solution/CALL/submit and followed the relevant topics. It says „unavailable“ for me now as well. I guess I was lucky with the timing this morning (in Europe).
Yes, similar issues here!I try to validate, that the user is subscribed to my in-app subscription, upon app launch. Since more than 24 hours (perhaps close to 48) this causes the app to freeze/crash. Seems to happen mostly for users that are actually subscribed. Another issue is that for some users an active subscription is not detected (no crash).There cleary seems something wrong with the server.I reached out to Apple Developer Support. They couldn't help me and told me that it is best to contact technical support, which I haven't so far.This is a very annoying bug concerning revenue and subscription numbers... Please Apple fix it.
Hi,Thanks for your input!Unfortunately I can't get it to work and have no idea what could be the reason. My app is still crashing when trying to verify the subscription.I use the code below (shortened without catch blocks and if/else optional unwrapping) with a function that iterates over all receipts and picks the one with the latest expiry date.While debugging in Xcode and contacting, everything works and it seems that receipts are still returned by Apple in an ordered sequence.Every help is very much appreciated! let receiptData = NSData(contentsOf: Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL!)
let receiptToString = receiptData!.base64EncodedString(options: [])
let dict = ["receipt-data" : receiptToString, "password" : "[app store connect shared secret]"]
let request = try dict, options: []) as Data
let storeRequest = NSMutableURLRequest(url: URL(string: ""))
storeRequest.httpMethod = "POST"
storeRequest.httpBody = request
let session = URLSession(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default)
let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: storeRequest as URLRequest, completionHandler:{(data: Data?,...) -> Void in
let jsonResponse = try (JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .mutableContainers) as? NSDictionary)!
let expDate = self.expirationDateFromResponse(jsonResponse: jsonResponse)
// decide on unlocking subscription based on expDate
private func expirationDateFromResponse(jsonResponse: NSDictionary) -> Date? {
var latestDate: Date? = nil
if let receiptInfo: NSArray = jsonResponse["latest_receipt_info"] as? NSArray {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss VV"
for receipt in receiptInfo {
if let dicReceipt = receipt as? NSDictionary {
if let expirationDate = dicReceipt["expires_date"] as! String) {
if latestDate == nil {
latestDate = expirationDate
} else if latestDate! < expirationDate {
latestDate = expirationDate
return latestDate
Thanks for your explanations.The following code now seems to work for me in production in combination with “exclude-old-transactions: true":private func expirationDateFromResponse(jsonResponse: NSDictionary) -> Date? {
var latestDate: Date? = nil
if let receiptInfo: NSArray = jsonResponse["latest_receipt_info"] as? NSArray {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss VV"
for receipt in receiptInfo {
if let dicReceipt = receipt as? NSDictionary {
if let productID = dicReceipt["product_id"] as? String {
if productID == "[subscription_product_id]" {
if let expirationDate = dicReceipt["expires_date"] as! String) {
if latestDate == nil {
latestDate = expirationDate
} else if latestDate! < expirationDate {
latestDate = expirationDate
return latestDate