Hi @Dazzzz , were you able to create GUI App ?
In my GUI app, I am getting the error as,
"Process got error: invalidRequest(RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Request.modelFile(url: file:///Users/sik/Desktop/Pot_usdz/sam.usdz, detail: RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Request.Detail.preview, geometry: nil), ".modelFile directory path file:///Users/sik/Desktop/Pot_usdz/ cannot be written to!")"
Any help is appreciated.
We don't have a source code for Photogrammetry macOS GUI app, what we have is only command line app.
In your output folder path, do not provide the file name (last term) like .../../abc.usdz , just provide path till the folder only and run.
You will get various files along with obj and not just .usdz file.
The rules defined above and the details about all the access and user roles are explained at https://developer.apple.com/support/roles/
The rules defined above and the details about all the access and user roles are explained at https://developer.apple.com/support/roles/