




Error on commissioning step 'FindOperational' -CA certificate not found
Reproduction steps Xcode15.1 iPhone14Pro/iOS16.3 commission with MatterSupport implementation @objc class func commission(with setupPayload: MTRSetupPayload?) throws { MTRLog("MatterSupport start request") let topology: MatterAddDeviceRequest.Topology = .init( ecosystemName: "SmartHome", homes: [ // .init(displayName: "smart office"), // .init(displayName: "smart living"), ] ) let request = MatterAddDeviceRequest( topology: topology, setupPayload: setupPayload ) Task { do { try await request.perform() } catch { throw error } } } Always failed with Error on commissioning step 'FindOperational': '../../../../../../../../Sources/CHIPFramework/connectedhomeip/src/credentials/CHIPCert.cpp:488: CHIP Error 0x0000004A: CA certificate not found' relate issue:
Jan ’24
MatterSupport integrated with objective-c No MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler
Run the sample code as doc import MatterSupport let request = MatterAddDeviceRequest( topology: .init(ecosystemName: "Acme SmartHome", homes: [ .init(displayName: "Default Acme Home"), ]) ) do { try await request.perform() print("Successfully set up a device!") } catch { print("Failed to set up a device with error: \(error)") } it runs but stuck in the scene below, never get the callback. Another issue about MatterSupport, when integrated with objective-c the bridge file(eg xx-Swift.h) turn out to show error: Cannot find interface declaration for 'MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler', superclass of 'MatterAddDeviceHandler' Xcode Version 14.2 (14C18) My code: // // MatterHelper.swift // xx // // Created by Robin on 2023/3/21. // import Foundation import MatterSupport @available(iOS 16.1, *) class MatterHelper: NSObject { @objc class func commission() { let request = MatterAddDeviceRequest( topology: .init(ecosystemName: "RRRRRR", homes: [ .init(displayName: "R11111"), .init(displayName: "R222222") ]) ) Task.init { do { try await request.perform() print("Successfully set up a device!") } catch { print("Failed to set up a device with error: \(error)") } } } } @available(iOS 16.1, *) class MatterAddDeviceHandler: MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler { override func validateDeviceCredential(_ deviceCredential: MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.DeviceCredential) async throws { print("validateDeviceCredential \(deviceCredential)") } override func selectThreadNetwork(from threadScanResults: [MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.ThreadScanResult]) async throws -> MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.ThreadNetworkAssociation { print("selectThreadNetwork \(threadScanResults)") return ThreadNetworkAssociation.defaultSystemNetwork } override func commissionDevice(in home: MatterAddDeviceRequest.Home?, onboardingPayload: String, commissioningID: UUID) async throws { print("Home: \(String(describing: home)) " + "payload: \(onboardingPayload) " + "commissionID: \(commissioningID)") } } Many thanks for your help.
Mar ’23
Is there a way to support matter from iOS11.0?
Is there a way to support matter from iOS11.0? In the CHIP Tool iOS Sample Commissioner App readme doc says: Requires building and running the app to a physical device on iOS >= 15.4. Does it mean that the sample app matter framework cannot support iOS < 15.4? I have just changed the sample project configuration mini deployment version to iOS 11.0, built and ran, soon the app crashed Found MatterSupport.h is still empty, use Matter.h instead? Starting with 16.1 you need to use MatterSupport. In Xcode 14.2 iOS16.2 Framework MatterSupport.h is empty, should I use Matter.h instead? iShot_2023-03-15_19 37 28
Mar ’23
Could Widget receive remote notifications
I try to receive remote notifications in widgets(implemented through WidgetKit), but failed. It known that enable remote notifications should register first by calling UIApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotifications() but in widget cannot calling shared, it is available in widgets @property(class, nonatomic, readonly) UIApplication *sharedApplication NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS("Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead."); and if try to init a UIApplication(by UIApplication()), the app will crash for more than one UIApplication instance.
Jan ’23