Is there a way to support matter from iOS11.0?

Is there a way to support matter from iOS11.0?

In the CHIP Tool iOS Sample Commissioner App readme doc says:

> Requires building and running the app to a physical device on iOS >= 15.4.

Does it mean that the sample app matter framework cannot support iOS < 15.4? I have just changed the sample project configuration mini deployment version to iOS 11.0,

built and ran, soon the app crashed

Found MatterSupport.h is still empty, use Matter.h instead?

> Starting with 16.1 you need to use MatterSupport.

In Xcode 14.2 iOS16.2 Framework MatterSupport.h is empty,

should I use Matter.h instead? iShot_2023-03-15_19 37 28

AFAIK, it even requires iOS 16.2 :

MatterSupport is available in Swift:

I don't know if it is in ObjC (not sure)

Is there a way to support matter from iOS11.0?