I got 2 universal links to my app in my Messages, but when I call highlightCenter.highlights, I get a count of 0.
What should I check to get the right links ?
I gave access to a gitlab repository for my project. However, I had to move my project to another gitlab repository, and I can't seem to be able to grant access to this new gitlab repo...
I had gitlab.XXXX.com and now have gitlab.YYYYY.com. But when I try to grant access, I get on the webpage of Xcode Cloud that tells me that it can't access to gitlab.XXXX.com
I have a viewController (A) in which I have a view that contains another viewController (B) that's in a NavigationController. That view has an uninstalled height constraint in the xib.
In the code, I set the preferredContentSize of B, and then, in A, I set this function :
override func preferredContentSizeDidChange(forChildContentContainer container: UIContentContainer) {
super.preferredContentSizeDidChange(forChildContentContainer: container)
customActionViewContainerHeightConstraint.isActive = true
customActionViewContainerHeightConstraint.constant = container.preferredContentSize.height
In iOS 13, B appears in A.
In iOS 14, however, B is a no show.
I'm creating a UIAlertController in my app when I press a button. And I noticed that the design of the UIAlertController changes depending on the number of buttons I include in the controller.
If there are 3 or less, the controller appears at the top of the window. If there are more than 3, I get a controller that looks like the one on iPad, at the center of the screen.
Is there a way to have the one at the center of the screen, even though I have 2 or 3 buttons ?
When creating a Mac Catalyst app, I can customize the titlebar and its toolbar.
If I do :
windowScene.titlebar?.titleVisibility = .hidden
windowScene.titlebar?.toolbar = NSToolbar()
I get a titlebar at the top of my app, and the 3 buttons (close, reduce, fullscreen) have an "inset".
However, if I do :
windowScene.titlebar?.titleVisibility = .hidden
windowScene.titlebar?.toolbar = nil
I don't see a titlebar, and the 3 buttons are stuck at the top left of my window.
Is there a way to not see a titlebar, but, at the same time, have the "inset" for the buttons ?
I have a viewController (A) with a stackView in it. The stackView has constraints for leading, trailing and bottom.
Inside the stackView, I add a UIViewContainer, that embeds a UIViewController (B). B contains a UIView, with a fixed height, and top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints.
When I launch the app, the stackView has a height of 0, as if the contained viewController had no constraints.
Is there a way to have the stackView size be correct without adding a constraint for the stackView height ?