How do we find out User information from Apple server notifications?
I have created a user and purchased an In app product from Apple . I have received a INITIALBUY notification from the App store.
Apple ID :
User : ABC (User id :111)
The JSON receipt contains the following fields.
"latestreceiptinfo": {
"transactionid": "1000000657540200",
"originaltransactionid": "1000000657537943",
"quantity": "1",
"subscriptiongroupidentifier": "20623048",
"isinintroofferperiod": "false",
"purchasedatepst": "2020-04-27 23:41:05 America/LosAngeles",
"istrialperiod": "false",
"expiresdateformattedpst": "2020-04-27 23:46:05 America/LosAngeles",
"productid": "com.***.iap1.5",
"weborderlineitemid": "1000000052078939",
"uniquevendoridentifier": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxx"
I have created one more user from the same Apple id and purchased the same product.
Apple ID :
User : XYZ (User id :222)
"latestreceiptinfo": {
"transactionid": "1000000657540202",
"originaltransactionid": "1000000657537943",
"productid": "com.***.iap1.5",
"weborderlineitemid": "1000000052078942",
"uniquevendoridentifier": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxx"
I have store user information based on productid-
originaltransaction_id =>user - com.***.iap1.5 - 1000000657537943 -ABC - com.***.iap1.5 -
1000000657537943 -XYZ
In this case I could not track the user information.Duplication will come
From the same Apple id ,2 different users buy the same product Apple will give the same original transaction Id.
Is there any other field to differentiate transactions to find users ?
Is there any option to include User name on JSON server notification from App store.
How should we handle if a user has 2 accounts on our app but have a single Apple ID how will he manage subscriptions for both?
While cancelling subscription(via App Care ) Apple should send CANCEL server webhook notification.It should contain productid,transactionid,weborderlineitemid,originaltransactionid ,cancellation_date and some other fields.Apple has raised refund initiation.
Also apple will send REFUND notification on successfully refunded transaction.
Does apple provide the same transaction id in JSON Server notification for Refund Initiation(Cancel Subscription Via apple care Support) and Refunded Transaction.
I am uploading in app products into the app store by using a transporter for my app.
So I have constructed metadata XML with all mandatory fields.Here I need to pass pricing information(Price tier) for all 175 territories.
I have a US territory pricing amount. (Ex: 0.99 USD). From this how to calculate price tier value for all 175 territories.
Someone please clarify this.