




why does tripple camera take photo faster than single camera device?
I found this phenomenon, and it can be reproduced stably. If I use a triple-camera to take a photo, if the picture is moving, or I move the phone, let's assume it moves horizontally, when I aim at an object, I press the shutter, which is called time T. At this time, the picture in the viewfinder is T0, and the photo produced is about T+100ms. If I use a single-camera to take a photo, use the same speed to move the phone to move the picture, and press the shutter when aiming at the same object, the photo produced is about T+400ms later. Let me describe the problem I encountered in another way. Suppose a pile of cards are placed horizontally on the table, and the cards are written with numbers from left to right, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6... Now aim the camera at the number 0, and then move to the right at a uniform speed. The numbers pass through the camera's viewfinder and continue to increase. When aiming at the number 5, press the shutter. If it is a triple-camera, the photo obtained will probably show 6, while if it is taken with a single-camera, the photo obtained will be about 9. This means the triple camera can capture photos faster, but why is this the case? Any explanation?
Dec ’24
Why doesn't sometimes recommendedVideoSettings have recommend settings?
I am talking about AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.recommendedVideoSettings. I found sometimes it return nil, there is my test result. hevc .mov with activeColorSpace sRGB 60FPS -> ok 120FPS -> ok hevc .mov with activeColorSpace displayP3_HLG 60FPS -> nil 120FPS -> nil h264 .mov 30FPS -> ok 60FPS -> nil 120FPS -> nil so, if you don't give a recommend setting, and you don't give a document, how does developer to use it?
Nov ’24
ControlWidget can't open APP
My custom control widget is show up and I can set it to Lock Screen, but it doesn't launch my app when I clicked it. any problem? in A.swift file, code like below: @available(iOS 18.0, *) struct LockScreenAppLaunchWidget: ControlWidget { var body: some ControlWidgetConfiguration { StaticControlConfiguration(kind: "abc") { ControlWidgetButton(action: LaunchAppIntent()) { // <-- HERE Label("Something", systemImage: "arrow.up") } } .displayName("Open app") } } @available(iOS 18, *) struct LaunchAppIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "ABC" static var description: IntentDescription? = "abcd" static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = true @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & OpensIntent { return .result() } }
Sep ’24
Why isReadyForMoreMediaData is false sometimes?
Hi, Recording Videos with AVAssetWriter, capture fps(camera output fps) is ok, but final result video fps was lower, the reason is AVAssetWriterInput.isReadyForMoreMediaData is false sometimes. Yes, I have read document many times, it said need to set expectsMediaDataInRealTime to true and balabala... I really be tortured by this problem for a long time, can I debug this problem? or any advice?
Sep ’24
Playing a sound effect before record video makes video's sound volume is low
I am using AudioService API to play a sound effect before start video recoding, I found a weird thing that the final result video's volume is relative to sound effect volume. if sound effect volume is big, the final video's volume became so low, if sound effect volume is quite, final video's volume is big. I think the iphone's microphone or audio framework make this, maybe it detected the peak volume and balance audio record volume. I use 'playAndRecord' to record video, dosen't change it when play sound effect. need help to slove this issue, i want the video's volume is constants
Aug ’22
iOS 15.4 iphone12pro, iphone12pro max capture depth start session failed
recently, we recevied many portrait mode issue about camera couldn't be launched. there is the error report from Notification notification: name = AVCaptureSessionRuntimeErrorNotification, object = Optional(<AVCaptureSession: 0x282f5c830 [AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto]> <AVCaptureDeviceInput: 0x282d1fc40 [Back Dual Cam]>[vide] -> <AVCapturePhotoOutput: 0x282d2adc0> <AVCaptureDeviceInput: 0x282d1fc40 [Back Dual Cam]>[vide] -> <AVCaptureVideoDataOutput: 0x282d26f40> <AVCaptureDeviceInput: 0x282d1fc40 [Back Dual Cam]>[dpth] -> <AVCaptureDepthDataOutput: 0x282d361a0>), userInfo = Optional([AnyHashable("AVCaptureSessionErrorKey"): Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11819 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=}]) 2022-04-06 12:11:15.969 < i > Thread: main [CaptureManager] onAVCaptureSessionRuntimeError: related decl 'e' for AVError(_nsError: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11819 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=}) code: -11819 session.isRunning: false I don't know how to fix this, other device is ok in ios 15.4 we can't re produce this problem
Apr ’22
3d texture sampler problem
I am using a color lookup table to create a 3d texture, and use input color to find output color. but I found output color has some interrupt layer. Is this sampler sample 3d texture by using trilinear? This is my code for creating 3d texture the lutData is a array of r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, .... lutSize is the lookup table size, it's 32 or 64. func create3DTextureFromLutData(lutData: [Float], lutSize: Int) - MTLTexture? {     let desc = MTLTextureDescriptor()     desc.textureType = .type3D     desc.pixelFormat = .rgba32Float     desc.width = lutSize     desc.height = lutSize     desc.depth = lutSize     desc.usage = .shaderRead           guard let texture = _device.makeTexture(descriptor: desc) else { return nil}           texture.replace(region: MTLRegion(origin: .init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0), size: .init(width: lutSize, height: lutSize, depth: lutSize)), mipmapLevel: 0, slice: 0, withBytes: lutData, bytesPerRow: lutSize * MemoryLayoutFloat.size * 4, bytesPerImage: lutSize * lutSize * MemoryLayoutFloat.size * 4)           return texture   } and in my shader, I just want to sample it like this. metal constexpr sampler textureSampler = sampler(mag_filter::linear, min_filter::linear, mip_filter::linear, address::clamp_to_edge); half4 lutWith3dTexture(half4 inputColor, short lutSize, half lutStrength, texture3dfloat, access::sample lut3dTexture, sampler textureSampler) {   half4 originColor = inputColor;   float3 coor = float3(((inputColor.rgb * (lutSize - 1)) + 0.5) / lutSize);   half4 resultColor = half4(lut3dTexture.sample(textureSampler, coor));       return mix(originColor, resultColor, lutStrength); } I am trying different filter::xxxx didn't help anything.
May ’21
Iphone12 pro record 4K 60FPS video always drop frame
I am using Iphone12 pro to test my camera app, when I record 4K 60FPS video, captureOutput didDrop will be invoked many times, the final fps only was about 45fps. I found some weird things. If I move camera or let something moving front of the camera, the viewport is changing, the dropping frame will stop, If keep camera stable and static, dropping frame will start again. I made some debug info displayed in the top of view, If I display it, the dropping frame stopped, If I hide this debug view, dropping frame start agian. If I don't record ( with AVAssetWriter) , it will drop frame per 0.5 sec, If I start record, it drop frame very fast. drop frame reason is "OutOfBuffers" this problem is must shown on iphone12 pro, everything is fine on iphoneX.
Apr ’21
iphone 7 take RAW photo capture exception
iphone 7(iPhone9,2) take RAW photo capture crashed. raw pixel type is: 1919379252 processedFormat is hvc1 This error was throwed in photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: Error?) Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "这项操作无法完成" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x12360ec60 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16415 "(null)"}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=发生未知错误(-16415), AVErrorRecordingFailureDomainKey=4, NSLocalizedDescription=这项操作无法完成}
Apr ’21
UIImage.draw(in:) has a aliasing problem
I have a image with pixel size: 3024 * 3024 I have a custom UIView with logical size: 207 * 207, and layer.contentsScale is 3, so pixel size is 621 * 621. I want to draw this UIImage in my custom UIView, the code in draw(rect:) like this; var image: UIImage? { didSet { setNeedDisplay() } } override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {     guard let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return }     ctx.addRect(bounds)     ctx.setFillColor(     ctx.fillPath()           if var im = image {        let size = Math.getMaxSizeWithAspect(size: CGSize(width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height), radioWidthToHeight: im.size.width / im.size.height)        im.draw(in: CGRect(x: (bounds.width - size.width) / 2, y: (bounds.height - size.height) / 2, width: size.width, height: size.height)) } and the result is very bad, picture is aliasing, I tried much solution, but not work well. // not work list... ctx.setShouldAntialias(true) ctx.setAllowsAntialiasing(true) ctx.interpolationQuality = .high layer.allowsEdgeAntialiasing = true layer.minificationFilter = .trilinear
Mar ’21