Zombie CKQuerySubscription

I am converting my subscriptions to shouldBadge=NO; and adding silent notifications to implement my own badge count incrementation now that setApplicationIconBadgeNumber: doesn't work. (see [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47542005/ckmodifybadgeoperation-is-deprecated-in-ios-11-anyone-know-an-alternative-appro]

The problem is that I still have subscriptions with shouldBadge=YES; triggering. I cannot delete those subscriptions because they do not appear in a fetchAllSubscriptionsWithCompletionHandler: . I think I may have deleted the subscriptions from the Development and Production environments on the dashboard and that is why they do not appear in the fetch. But they still exist and are firing over and over again - and setting the badge.

Does anyone know how to delete a subscription that can't be fetched?

You can use your iCloud account to log in to CloudKit Console and try to find the subscription there.

Note that:

  • A CloudKit subscription is tied to a user, so make sure you examine the same user by confirming that the user you log in CloudKit Console is the same as the one you log in your testing device.

  • fetchAllSubscriptionsWithCompletionHandler: returns the subscriptions tied to the current database, so make sure the CloudKit container and database you check in CloudKit Console are the same as the ones that trigger the notifications.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

Zombie CKQuerySubscription