Sorry, my answer was too late. I could not see the latest answer at the time I clicked Submit.
Thanks for sharing what you have explored!
Sorry, I should have noted one important thing. I have not explored the open source part of Swift nor could not have used any debugging features. So, the part describing the current behavior is nothing more than just my guess. It may be caused by some bugs of the current implementation, you can send a bug report to .
Thanks for showing the image. But I cannot reproduce the same result with my code. Are you sure you use ZStack at the outermost place as I have shown?
Not sure. But in the raywenderlich article, they pass addressDictionary: in addition to coordinate: when creating MKPlacemark. Better update the extension property mapItem to make it similar to the article.
Can you share your answer? Answering by yourself and marking it as SOLVED by yourself is not prohibited.
It was shown in the application.
ZStack merely relocated the small rectangles (NavigationLinks) between the Settings & Info selectors (i.e., overlayed there)? > I do not understand why you think so. Can you show some screen shots explaining that merely relocated thing?
Thanks for additional info. But it is not clear enough for me. Can you try to explain what's happening with screen shots of the simulators? (Not only simulator content, but screen shots of the whole simulator windows, including frames and title bars.)
I cannot think of what would be causing your issue. But anyway, the RecipeAssistant app works as expected in my environment. (The phrase "next step" is a little bit difficult to pronounce for Japanese, so I registered "Tsugi-he" in the app. The app responds to "Hey Siri, Tsugi-he" quite comfortably.) I have never touched the Shortcut application while testing, so not sure if it might affect or not.
Thanks for clarification. I haven't made any changes to the code. > Haven't you made a change to settings? Have you set Team to your paid developer account?
Thanks for clarifying. As far as I tried on Big Sur, I could download older macOS from the App Store. I guess you use Monterey and it may have change some behaviors about Mac App Store or there may be some other reasons...
Thanks for confirmation.
As I have written in another thread of yours, it is hard to say which is better. But I would choose to make the method async, rather than simply returning Future.
If I comment out that line of code, the subview remains where it shows up in the parent - at origin 0,0. > Thanks. With this info, I can exclude the possibilities of some simple mistakes. But I cannot think of anything suspicious as for now. Please share when you find any sort of new info, or when you solve your issue yourself.