I have downloaded wwdc20-10073 Recipe Assistant project to play with it because I need to solve with Siri a similar business problem but the program doesn't work. I ran it with the default scheme Siri Intent Query (show directions for recepe on Recepe Assistant). I get an error from Siri "I can't get directions using Recipe Assistant. Sorry about that." Can you please help what I am doing wrong. I run the project in Xcode 13 and macOS Monterey 12.0.1
wwdc20-10073 Recipe Assistant project not working
You are probably doing nothing wrong. The sample code is just obsoleted.
If you could post the code you use, that would help analyse the issues.
I have built the RecipeAssistant sample project with Xcode 13.1 on macOS 11.6.1 for iPhone, and run it on iPhone 12 Pro Max (iOS 15.1).
It has shown a lot of messages in the debug console but I cannot find any messages like I can't get directions using Recipe Assistant. Sorry about that.
neither in the debug console or in the app.
Not sure macOS Monterey 12.0.1 is affecting, but can you provide more info about what you have tried?