




Catalyst: Need Help Dragging to App Icon
In AppKit, I can implement NSApplicationDelegate methods for application:openFiles: and such. However, I have not found something similar when using Catalyst - I cannot set the NSApplicationDelegate, and the UIApplicationDelegate methods I have tried are not called when I try dragging a file to the app icon (the icon lights up, so I believe I have configure it properly). Does anyone know how to do that / have a sample that works? Thanks.
Aug ’24
Sequoia Beta 4 - incorrect alert about "app wants to access data from other apps"
I have an app and a photo editing extension. I use a group container to share data between the two. That has not been a problem in the past. However, in the latest Sequoia Beta, when I try to write a file to that location, the " would like to access data from other apps" dialog appears. That's not what I'm doing, and the fact that it comes up every single launch will freak out customers. How do I read and write data to my app's group container without getting this dialog to appear? Is there a different way I am supposed to share data between an extension and an app? I filed Feedback FB14412342.
Jul ’24
Preferred Screen Sizes for App Store Nowadays
I was looking at the store guidelines pages: [] There are a lot of options for which ones to make to meet the requirements (if one isn't going to make every conceivable size). In my case, I have to make my screenshots on device, not through the simulator (due to limitations of the simulator), and acquiring every device size is not practical for me. Given that, what would be the preferred set of devices to own to get the best screenshot appearance on all user devices (short of buying every single size)?
Jun ’23
LiveText overwrites images on my website - is there a way to turn that off (via HTML)
If you go to this page: and then click on the large images, you will get live text as an overlay (which makes the text in the image unreadable). The only way I have found to disable this is via System Preferences, but that's affects all pages on all websites, and thus is not a reasonable solution. You can see how the text is duplicated and sometimes just wrong. Also, in the page source at the bottom of the screenshot you can see a shadow overlay (I expanded that to show the "translation" stuff in a second screenshot) Is anyone else seeing this and is there a solution? Thank you!
Nov ’22
Can't embed Photo Extension into Mac Catalyst on Monterey
Photo Extensions are supposed to be supported on Mac Catalyst in Monterey, but when I try, I get an error from Xcode. I'm using the WWDC seed of Xcode 13. (Version 13.0 beta (13A5154h) error: 'PhotoExtension.appex' is a Photo Editing extension, which is not available when building for Mac Catalyst. You may need to restrict the platforms for which this app extension should be embedded in the target editor. (in target 'CatalystTest' from project 'CatalystTest') Has anyone gotten this to work?
Jun ’21