




Why is offer code giving extra free month "trial" when redeemed?
Hi there, I set up an offer code that gives one free month to users. Our regular subscription plan is monthly, with a 7-day free trial. For some reason, when the user redeemed the offer code, it says: "Trial" Free for 1 month, starting March 10th. "Offer" Free for 1 month, starting April 10th. So they are actually getting TWO free months. I can't seem to find where it's pulling the "trial" timeframe from. When I set up the offer, I clicked "No, this code will replace the introductory offer" - but even so, the introductory offer is only 1 week. So again, not sure where it's getting that extra month from. Does anyone have any insight on where the "trial" data comes from?
Mar ’21
How to enter more Promo Code amounts
Hi everyone, I entered the "1" into the number of codes I wanted generated b/c I just wanted to test it. But now the option to add more codes for that specific in-app purchase is no longer available. I can't imagine I was supposed to enter all 100 at one time, was I? Can someone please explain how I can generate more codes or what process I'm missing? Thank you!
Jan ’21
Changing from paid through app store to paid app outside of app store
Hi everyone, we have a subscription-based app that users purchase through the app store. For various reasons, we're considering having new subscribers purchase app through our website only and not through app store. (like Kindle app). I'm wondering what happens to the users who already purchased through the app store. Will they continue to have their subscriptions automatically renewed through app store, even though the subscriptions will have to be removed for future users? Or will current users have to cancel subscription through app store and resubscribe through website? All feedback is appreciated. :) Thank you!
Dec ’20