I have just released a first app on TestFlight and soon I want to make it available for external testers.
What happens if in a few weeks or so I release a version to the AppStore? Can users switch to the AppStore version (by leaving TestFlight?) or do they see in the AppStore that the version/app is already installed? I just want to make sure that no data (UserDefaults and files in applicationSupportDirectory) is lost.
And what happens if the user switches between the builds in TestFlight, always considering that he might leave the beta testing and only wants to use the AppStore then?
In App Store Connect I can select in which countries the App should be available ("Pricing and Availability"). Is this also possible at TestFlight?
There is a reason why I want to limit the availability to some selected countries. But I also want to make my App available for testing to unknown people (via public link) but only in the same countries.
Is that possible? Is the country selection under "App Store" also used for "TestFlight"?
Hello, is it allowed to add an explanation to the In App purchases in the app describing why the prices are the way they are? Especially I would like to explain why the prices differ from the prices in the Android Version - The pricing tiers of Apple and Google do not match, it is not possible to have the same price even only for the two countries USA and Germany across the two platforms.
Another question, maybe the reason for the problem above, is why the prices in USD (in USA) and EUR (in germany) do not match the exchange rate? In the first pricing tier an item costs $0,99 and 1,09€. But when using the current exchange rate it should be 0,81€ (and even if not using the exchange rate right now, it was not above 1€ for a long time). And that is the case for every tier. The € prices are always above the $ prices. So when I want to make the USD prices for the Android and iOS version the same the EUR prices whould be much much higher. And if I want to make the EUR prices the same the USD prices would be much lower.