




Allow a voting system and dedicated space for reporting software bugs in Developer Forums
Apple’s methods for allowing the reporting and back and forth resolution methods or lack thereof for iOS/macOS etc seem to be a disconnected and numb experience not just for me but I see in countless other forums where feedback via the Feedback app is left open for months and even years with no acknowledgment, serious bugs that are filed correctly and thoroughly also aren’t acknowledged in-app, the only way we seem to find out about these bugs trending appears to be from news outlets reporting bugs or Apple has responded off the back of a customer complaint email. Most feedback is left unattended or unanswered, lots of options and steps to submit feedback, so the public beta community often feel overwhelmed and give up. I have watched closely throughout iOS’s development the past 12 months and I couldn’t help but notice that the developer forum lacks options for a dedicated beta/developer beta section to report issues, vote on existing issues, or Apple acknowledging bugs via a post flag, leaving the community feeling like is Apple even listening or seen what we report? The Apple Product Security team respond in a timely matter when they receive emails to their inbox, can we have or at least trial the same lvl of interaction for the developers and beta testers in the world? Would Apple acknowledge a post like this as having existed? Or would Apple Engineers even like to chime in on your experience in wanting to get our help but are limited in some way shape or form? It needs to be more seamless and fluid to get these reports out there and some acknowledgment will go a long way to feel we didn’t waste our time or feel unanswered to avoid sending duplicate feedback reports of the same issues. iOS 16 has been messy, the process can get much simpler. That’s my two cents anyway. Both positive and negative criticism is welcome in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer when I can.
May ’23