




Room Plan / ARKit - How to remove reel object scanned in ARView using RoomPlan API ?
Hi Apple community, Currently developing an iOS application using Room Plan API, I'd like to remove real world objects detected with Room Plan to my ARView. I already tried to use the following code but it deletes only the anchor entities (customText, UI instructions...) attached to the Anchor : arView.scene.removeAnchor(anchor) My aim is to delete real world object content to my ARView like in this example : (I have an error when uploading files like png, jpg or pdf so there is a link) Is there any way to do that using Room Plan API and ARKit ? Thanks in advance, Goat
Feb ’23
RoomPlan/UIKit/ARKit - add custom text to UI
Hi community, I'm a new iOS developer and I'd like to develop application using Room Plan API/UIKit/ARKit. Currently I'm able to : Scan room Detect room objects (in console logs) Export data file (.usdz) from scanned room using the default UIViewController from UIKit. But now I would like to add my custom display when objects are detected. I google it but don't found anything around it. I think I have to use this method from RoomPlan API to display category of detected objects. func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didUpdate room: CapturedRoom) { RoomPlan can't display custom data right ? If yes, I have to use ARKit or UIKit in this method to add custom text to the frame of the detected object ? I can share code if necessary. Thanks in advance, Goat.
Dec ’22