




Reply to RoomPlan/UIKit/ARKit - add custom text to UI
Thanks a lot, all work fine now, I can add my custom text on detected obejcts from RoomPlan API. Last question : To add my custom text to the arView, I had to change my main view from UIView to ARView and so I lost all instructions users from RoomCaptureView. Is there any way to implements those instructions to my ARView ? To have more details, my main class looks like this : class ViewController: UIViewController, RoomCaptureSessionDelegate {  @IBOutlet var arView: ARView! var captureSession: RoomCaptureSession? private func startSession() {   captureSession?.run(configuration: roomCaptureSessionConfig)  } func captureSession(   _ session: RoomCaptureSession, didStartWith configuration: RoomCaptureSession.Configuration  ) {        arView.session.pause()   arView.session = session.arSession   arView.session.delegate = self  } otherMethods() . . . } Thanks in advance, Goat.
Jan ’23
Reply to RoomPlan/UIKit/ARKit - add custom text to UI
Hello, Thanks for your reply, DispatchQueue made the trick for MeshResource problem. For ARAnchor subject, can you confirm that I'm doing the right steps : Step 1. Creating ARAnchor using CapturedRoom.Objects[] and add it to ARSession : for object in room.objects { let anchor = RoomObjectAnchor(object) // RoomObjectAnchor is a custom Object extending ARAnchor class session.arSession.add(anchor: anchor) } Creating my custom AnchorEntity attached to ARAnchor created : let anchorEntity = AnchorEntity(anchor: anchor) let textEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateText("My custom text",                extrusionDepth: 0.01,                 font: .init(name: "Helvetica", size: 0.5)!,                containerFrame: .zero,                  alignment: .center,                 lineBreakMode: .byWordWrapping)) anchorEntity.addChild(textEntity) Does I have to make a third step to add the AnchorEntity to the arSession ? From my research and test, I didn't find any ways to add my AnchorEntity to the arSession directly, so what is the best way to add our AnchorEntity ? The only way I found is this one but I'd prefer to use the arSession directly : arView.scene.addAnchor(anchorEntity) Thanks in advance for your reply, Goat.
Jan ’23
Reply to RoomPlan/UIKit/ARKit - add custom text to UI
Hi Frameworks Engineer Team, Thanks for your reply. Following your answer, I'm trying to display my content using the arSession from my RoomCaptureSession. I developed this methods to add custom content on detected objects : func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didAdd room: CapturedRoom) {           for object in room.objects {       print("Trying to add anchorText for category : ", object.category)       self.drawBox(session: session, dimensions: object.dimensions,              transform: object.transform, confidence: object.confidence)     } } func drawBox(session: RoomCaptureSession, dimensions: simd_float3, transform: float4x4, confidence: CapturedRoom.Confidence) {           print("update scan log drawBox() method")     let box = MeshResource.generateBox(width: dimensions.x,                       height: dimensions.y,                      depth: dimensions.z > 0 ? dimensions.z : 0.1)           let boxEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: box)           let textEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateText("My custom text",                extrusionDepth: 0.01,                 font: .init(name: "Helvetica", size: 0.5)!,                containerFrame: .zero,                   alignment: .center,                 lineBreakMode: .byWordWrapping))             // Changing a position and orientation of the parent     boxEntity.addChild(textEntity)     boxEntity.position.x = dimensions.x     boxEntity.position.y = dimensions.y     boxEntity.position.z = dimensions.z           let anchor = AnchorEntity()     anchor.transform = Transform(matrix: transform)     boxEntity.setParent(anchor)           let arAnchor = ARAnchor(transform: anchor.transform.matrix)           session.arSession.add(anchor: arAnchor) but my application is crashing on the line 'let box = MeshResource.generateBox' with the following error : 'Thread 25: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x1034cfd74)' I google it but didn't find anything... Could you give me some explanations about this error ? Does the rest of the code is good ? The end looks strange with transforms :/ Thanks in advance for your reply and happy new year :) Goat.
Jan ’23