User-centric questions/complaints for release OSs are perhaps better suited for Apple's public community forums rather than risk off-topic here in devForums, thanks and good luck.
Yes, individually, used once.
About BB&B, I don't see any evidence those are nothing more than one time purchase discounts for their own products.
Apple does not provide a promo scheme that fits your example, otherwise.
Good luck.
Quoting Apple on the new non-deadline: -
New apps containing these frameworks are no longer accepted by the App Store. And last year, we announced that the App Store will no longer accept app updates containing UIWebView as of December 2020. However, to provide additional time for you to adopt WKWebView and to ensure that it supports the features most often requested by developers, this deadline for app updates has been extended beyond the end of 2020. We’ll let you know when a new deadline is confirmed.
Don't wait.
Don't assume you can casually push this out, and a positive review will allow an update in the store on your schedule.
As for iPadOS, I don't see this deprecation to be that specific.
Act now.
Support for 3rd party tools/SDKs/APIs is best sought via their author's support channels.
Good luck.
Support for 3rd party tools/SDKs/APIs is best sought via their author's support channels. devForums is Apple IDE-centric.
Is there a reason you're not using latest Xcode 12.x?
my iOS Deployment Target has been set to 9.0, so how does this 13.4 come up? 13.4 is the max iOS version Xcode 11.6 requires (no choice). 9.0 (your choice) is just the minimum...together, they result in a range of iOSs that your app is expected to support.
In the mean time see if this page helps:
h ttps://
User-centric questions/complaints for release OSs are perhaps better suited for Apple's public community forums rather than risk off-topic here in devForums, thanks and good luck.
Are you using Safari on macOS, iOS....?
Have you been able to generate a SS in the past?
How new is your account?
In the modal, do you see an option to regenerate?
If permission were a factor, you'd not be given the chance to generate...
Can you confirm your Apple ID is only used with the paid Developer Program account you own? No other teams, accounts, free provisioning etc.
If not, you may need to contact support and ask them to help you straighten things out...that Apple ID has to be unique.
Good luck.
If you're asking if Apple helps with that, the answer is no. A user's contact info is private to them.
You'd need to openly request that info directly, being sure to declare why you need it, what the info will be used for, how long it will be kept, etc. etc., all part of a mandated privacy policy.
Good luck.
User-centric questions/complaints for release OSs are perhaps better suited for Apple's public community forums rather than risk off-topic here in devForums, thanks and good luck.
User-centric questions/complaints for release OSs are perhaps better suited for Apple's public community forums rather than risk off-topic here in devForums, thanks and good luck.
The typical approach is to purchase a Developer Program account - see the link above for details and options.
Don't forget to check into the fee waiver program...
Good luck
You 'obtain' one when someone adds you as a tester.
How to get the redeem code for Testflight?
The redeem code is sent by mail when you add an external or internal new tester in TestFlight. When you open your app in App Store Connect, go to "My Apps" and select your app. Then go to the "TestFlight" section, complete the "Information" section, and then add external testers as needed and the build to test. That process, as stated, involves an existing (properly staged) app.